My Story

Our kids were all very young when I began having symptoms.  We were working overseas at the time, and I was under a terrific amount of stress.  It started with the feeling that a plug had been pulled and all my energy drained out quickly, leaving me unable to function for hours at a time.  Then came the pain.  I first noticed it in my hips and back, then in my knees and shoulders.  Soon every joint in my body hurt with the slightest movement, and every muscle ached constantly.  Tylenol hid the pain for a while, but when it became clear this was no passing thing, I began to see doctors.

I was tested for arthritis, MS, lupus, Lyme disease, you name it–all tests came back negative. The first few doctors basically told me nothing was wrong with me.  In their socialized health system, they were unwilling to delve further.
Day after day I struggled to keep up with all that was required of me:  dragging myself out of bed every morning, following sleepless night after sleepless night; and struggling to make my perpetually-exhausted and aching body perform even the simplest tasks.  My family needed me, and no matter how I felt, I had to try and keep up.
I went to chiropractors to find help with the pain and did some physical therapy.  Neither offered anything other than temporary relief.
After more than a year, my mom flew me to the States to see a reputable rheumatologist who performed extensive blood work.  He found the Epstein-Barr virus in convalescent phase and finally provided a diagnosis:  chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia.  He did what he and most doctors are trained to do–he prescribed drugs to “manage the symptoms.”  He and subsequent doctors said I’d struggle and be in pain and dependent on drugs the rest of my life.
At first, the relief brought by the drugs was heavenly, but it lasted only until time for the next dose.  Then the side effects of the drugs became evident.  They were causing me more problems than I already had!  I didn’t want to just feel better.  I wanted to be well.

After being ill and dealing with these things for about five years, I decided I would accept that life sentence no more.  I didn’t want my kids’ childhood memories of their mom to be of a dazed lump on the couch.  In answer to my prayers and many others’ God began to bring various people into my life with bits of information here and there about nutrition and natural healing.   He’s so good–because my illness and the drugs so diminished my mental capacity, that was all I could handle.  I began to educate myself by trying various nutritional products and making changes to our dietary habits.
I will forever be grateful for Dr. Stanley Harris, who visited our church and introduced me to AIM, BarleyLife and the Garden Trio, and Herbal Fiberblend.  It wasn’t long until I began to experience detoxification; and soon I was noticing less pain, more energy, and real healing. What’s more, my husband and children began to experience side effects of my new habits:  allergies disappeared, chronic stomach and bronchial problems gone, no more nosebleeds, just to name a few!

God designed the human body with a great capacity to heal itself; but you must give your body the tools and materials it needs to work with:  vitamins, minerals, trace minerals, phytochemicals, micro- and macronutrients, all found in plant foods and not sufficiently supplied by the Standard American Diet (SAD).  Unfortunately, due to modern practices, the produce in our stores is lacking in nutrients, making it necessary to supplement.  The wonderful products AIM offers are exceptionally nutritious and easily assimilated by the body.
I can honestly say the best thing I did was begin to make these products part of our lives.  Not only did I regain my health (and then some!), our entire family’s quality of life has improved incredibly.
I hope and pray your quest for improved health and quality of life will be realized in the same way.  Try some of these incredible products for yourself and you’ll see!