What the Bible says about healthy living

What the Bible says about healthy living


Principle II:  Don’t alter God’s Design.

There are a lot of different issues that Dr. Russell discusses in this chapter.  He talks about the importance of washing our hands/body, having a separate area for bodily waste, uncleanliness, immorality, etc.  I am not going to expound on this area at this time.  On this blog…I am focusing on  the ones relating to food.  It is a great book…read it for yourself for more information.

Principle III:  Don’t let any food or drink become your god.

What we put into out bodies does make a difference.  Have you ever eaten all the Halloween or Easter candy in just a couple of day?!  Guilty as charged!  And boy was I sick!  All that sugar just upset my stomach and body for days…I would say it was even weeks, before I was back too “normal”

Well, I am sorry and ashamed to admit, but sometimes Reece’s Peanut Butter cups or Snickers have been my god.  Sorry, Lord.

They taste so good, and are OK in moderation…but when I overdo it, it hinges on gluttony, actually it is gluttony…who am I trying to kid.

Rex talks about fasting and the importance of cleaning out our bodies and giving our digestive tracts a much needed break.

What is a fast?

According to Grolier’s Encyclopediait is the practice of abstaining from food, either completely or partially, for a specific period.  It can be part of a religious act or just to kind of purge the body of poor food choices and to start new.

Four kinds of fasting:

Normal fasting—not eating for a definite period of time

Absolute fasting—not ingesting food or water and should be of short duration

Partial fasting—maybe omitting 1 meal a day or omitting certain food.  Eating only fresh vegetables I am going to start this tomorrow , January 6, 2011…follow me in my other blog at www.aimforbalance.com I will be adding fruits and some protein.  Let’s see how I do!

Rotational Fasting—involves avoiding certain foods periodically.  Like eat food families (grains) every fourth day,etc.

We also need to rest.  We are a society that says, Strong people don’t quit!”  Well, we can also be strong and sick…our bodies need rest.  Think about when you are sick or have a fever…do you want to eat and party?  No, you want to rest…listen to your body, it is telling you the right thing!


About Me

I’ve used AIM products for years and it’s a major factor in my great health. That’s why I’m passionate about sharing AIM products with others. This is just a little about me that shows in the footer on every page and the About Me section on the blog.

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