PEAK ENDURANCE: A family favourite

We play hockey. All of us. It’s the “Canadian Way”! We’re far from being a Gretzky or a Crosby or any other hockey superstar…However, we’ve discovered AIM has a product that will give us the energy to “keep on ticking” when the others are slowing down or laying on the bench, gasping for breath. It’s Peak Endurance. Peak Endurance contains ATP, something which all of our bodies need, and the amount found in our bodies decrease with age. Peak Endurance taken before and during sporting activities makes you feel like you’ve got that “second wind” . My husband Dave often has commented that “It makes you sweat…but it’s a clean sweat…It’s hard to explain, but you notice the difference.”

We shared Peak Endurance with a referee during one of our spring hockey games. He said he had been on the ice for hours at a time, and it got tiring. After trying Peak Endurance, he immediately bought himself a jar, commenting, “It really does work!”

We have a “Melt-The-Ice” Tournament at one of our nearby arenas every April. This past spring, my children (ages 21 and 24) needed another female player to comply with the rules.
They called Nicky, a mother of seven, to play. Nicky agreed to play but said she was already exhausted. She hadn’t played hockey in over a year, except for 2 games she played the day before. Nicky also suffered from painful spurs in her feet, which kept her from playing more often. She readily agreed to try some Peak Endurance, and, after the game, she was ready to hear how she could purchase a jar of her own.

Peak Endurance comes in a grape flavour, and isn’t loaded with sugar like many other sports drinks. It’s great for any age, and for anyone…from armchair athlete to stars on ice!