Other Doctors who have written about progesterone
Other doctors who have written about progesterone
An increasing number of doctors are recognizing the advantages of natural progesterone and writing about it.
Dr. Carolyn DeMarco, M.D. in “Take Charge of your Body”: “Menopausal symptoms and bone loss are mainly caused by a deficiency of progesterone. Synthetic progestins such as Provera are not the answer and, in fact, produce marked premenstrual symptoms. Natural progesterone has the same structure as the progesterone made by the body and appears to be safe and have far fewer side-effects than its distant synthetic relative.”
Dr. Robert M. Kradjian, M.D. (Berkeley), in “Save Yourself From Breast Cancer”: “Natural progesterone protects against breast cancer. It is the synthetic progestins (Provera, etc.) that have been linked with an increased incidence of breast cancer. The administration of natural progesterone is an overlooked and protective therapy, it can reduce breast tenderness and fibrocystic changes.”
Dr. Alan Gaby, M.D., in “Preventing and Reversing Osteoporosis” (Prima Publishing): “Progesterone is not only much safer than Estrogen, but also more effective against osteoporosis. Twenty years from now, scientists may look back and wonder why we focused so much on estrogen while virtually ignoring progesterone.”
Dr. Zoltan Rona, M.D., in the Canadian Journal of Health and Nutrition (Alive): “Osteoporosis is a major health problem. Approximately one third of North American women over 65 are affected. Natural progesterone seems to be more important in preventing and treating osteoporosis than the medical approach based on estrogen, dairy products, Turns and prescriptions for calcium.”
Dr. Graham Coldtiz, M.D. Harvard researcher, published a study in the New England Journal of Medicine which showed that women who use estrogen for more than five years have a 46% higher risk of breast cancer than women who don’t use it. These results came from a sample of more than 121,700 women tracked for 24 years (the Nurses Health Study).
Dr. Christiane Northrup, M.D., in ” Women Bodies, Women’s Wisdom” “I recommend natural progesterone for women who have moderate to severe PMS. Progesterone also works well for women whose major PMS symptom is a migraine-type headache. Synthetic progestins, on the other hand, can actually increase PMS symptoms by decreasing the body’s natural progesterone levels and have many known side effects.”
Dr Neils Lauersen, MD., “PMS: Premenstrual Syndrome and You” (Simon & Schuster, 1983). says that some synthetic progesterones can have masculinizing effects on a woman, while others cause fluid retention. “Natural progesterone (from the wild yam), on the other hand, does not cause masculinization, and is known to reduce sodium and fluid retention.”
Dr Katharina Dalton MD., Helped coin the phrase “Prementrual Syndrome” in a paper published in the British Journal of Medicine. She also writes about progesterone and pregnancy. Find her books on Google Books to read for free.
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