Tasty Smoothies Help You Lose Weight

Tasty Smoothies Help You Lose Weight


Weight Loss Smoothie

Here are some suggestions for losing weight using delicious high fiber, high protein smoothies:

Simply choose two recipes per day.

Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables.

Eat a light and sensible lunch or supper for a major meal.  (Mid day is best)

Drink half your body weight in water every day.

Avoid artificial sweeteners (use stevia and xylitol)

Move your body. Walk, rebound on a mini trampoline, dance, work out, hula hoop, Play Wii Fit, ride bikes, hike, snow shoe, ride horses etc. Do something that you enjoy so you will continue to do it.  Mix it up too.

Using AIM Fit’n Fiber and AIM ProPeas you can blend up some tasty smoothies in just seconds.

Add AIM GlucoChrom to help balance insulin levels and regulate your blood sugar. Read my post on GlucoChrom. Click Here.

Just from adding GlucoChrom to my daily routine I dropped 8 lbs.

Let me know if this helps. Drop me a note on my FB page.


Help keep the pounds off during the holidays.




About Me

I’ve used AIM products for years and it’s a major factor in my great health. That’s why I’m passionate about sharing AIM products with others. This is just a little about me that shows in the footer on every page and the About Me section on the blog.

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