Nutrition Sports Pack Powered By Nature
The sports pack that you need. This trio of natural products stands out in the crowded world of sports supplements. Take a closer look and try something better. AIM Red Rush is made with 500mg of vegetable nitrate, infusing the body with nitric oxide, a potent vasodilator that increases blood flow. Better blood flow allows more […]
Read More About Nutrition Sports Pack Powered By Nature3 Month AIM Healthy Team Challenge
Purchase one of the AIM Body Booster Starter Packs and commit to using the products as directed for three months. Join me on Facebook and post that you have started the 3 month AIM Healthy Team Challenge to improve your health. We can chat about your progress, questions, suggestions and much more. This is a […]
Read More About 3 Month AIM Healthy Team ChallengeBlood sugar, insulin, and diabetes
Impaired insulin production or utilization can lead to Type II diabetes mellitus and its related health complications. When we eat, the body breaks down the carbohydrates in foods to produce glucose, the sugar that fuels our cells and provides them with vital energy for healthy functioning. It is extremely important for the blood glucose level […]
Read More About Blood sugar, insulin, and diabetesSimple Stress Relief Right Now – sing a long
Here is my suggestion for stopping the stress cycle in your brain RIGHT NOW. Sing a silly song. Here are some examples: The Sound of Music: “These are a few of my favorite things”… Peter Pan: “Think of a wonderful thought…..You can fly, You can fly, You can fly….” The Lion King: “Hakuna Matata! What […]
Read More About Simple Stress Relief Right Now – sing a longLooking for natural health solutions in 2012?
Are you hoping for a better weight control? Do you have nagging digestive problems? Consider raw food concentrates and herbal blends to balance your body pH and experience natural health solutions for your whole body. I think the new year is a great time to start off with a cleansing program that will improve many […]
Read More About Looking for natural health solutions in 2012?AIM Membership Special
If you are buying an AIM product you can take advantage of FREE membership with any purchase. Membership allows you to buy at the wholesale pricess so your first order and every order after that will be at the wholesale price! This is a great deal. The big club stores don’t offer free membership when […]
Read More About AIM Membership SpecialReduce Stress During the Holidays
Your body will begin to relax and release all that muscular tension.
Read More About Reduce Stress During the HolidaysTasty Smoothies Help You Lose Weight
Click Here to Open Smoothie Recipes Here are some suggestions for losing weight using delicious high fiber, high protein smoothies: Simply choose two recipes per day. Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables. Eat a light and sensible lunch or supper for a major meal. (Mid day is best) Drink half your body weight in water […]
Read More About Tasty Smoothies Help You Lose WeightEnzymes for Digestive Health
When food is not properly digested it will remain in the stomach where it will rot and putrefy. The results in a build up of waste in the colon. The decaying fecal matter produces bacteria and toxins which can seep into the bowel wall to be picked up by the blood and distributed throughout the entire body. Can you see how poor digestion can lead to health problems?
Read More About Enzymes for Digestive HealthLower cholesterol
Study: Indicates that soluble fiber lowers cholesterol and reduces risk of heart disease.
Read More About Lower cholesterolSearch
About Me
I’ve used AIM products for years and it’s a major factor in my great health. That’s why I’m passionate about sharing AIM products with others. This is just a little about me that shows in the footer on every page and the About Me section on the blog.
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