The Benefits Of Barley Grass

The Benefits Of Barley Grass


One of the greenest grasses of the grass family, barley grass is considered the only vegetation on earth that can supply sole nutritional sustenance from birth to old age.

Ancient Asian and Middle Eastern cultures reputedly included young barley grass in their diets and medicine, and archeologists have determined barley grass cultivation dates back as early as 7000 BC.

It is one of the most important plants in human history, and of all the grasses, barley grass has probably been researched more than any other.

Considered by many to be the most nutritional of the green grasses, barley grass is an abundant source of vitamins, minerals, protein and amino acids, antioxidants, enzymes, chlorophyll, and phytochemicals. Our body uses these nutrients to build and repair itself, create energy, strengthen and detoxify at a cellular level, balance the pH of body fluids and deal with stressors. Green barley grass has strong antioxidant and detoxifying properties, and has the ability to counteract inflammation and boost the immune system. Because of it’s profound alkalizing effect, barley grass juice can help fight off disease. Simply put, green barley grass is an ideal food to enhance nutritional intake.

Often referred to as a “green drink” or “super green food”, barley grass consists of the young tender green leaves of the barley plant and is most commonly taken as a juice powder or in capsule form. One of the most popular barley juice powders available today is AIM BarleyLife®.

A live, whole food concentrate, the green barley juice in BarleyLife® provides a broad spectrum of nutrients the way nature intended. It is loaded with vitamins, minerals, enzymes, antioxidants, phytochemicals, protein, amino acids, and chlorophyll. When taken every day, BarleyLife® helps cells to function optimally and the rich source of nutrients contained in BarleyLife® helps to maintain whole body health.

What makes BarleyLife® unique from other barley grass juice powders is the way it is grown, harvested, and processed. Grown in a clean, pristine environment, the young grass BarleyLife® is made from is free of preservatives, pesticides, herbicides or chemicals. The barley grass is grown and cultivated with a holistic approach to crop management. AIM’s barley grass crops are cut only once, when nutrient density is at its highest. The crops are staggered so that each field is harvested when the plants are bursting with nutrition, and the fibre from the barley grass is composted back into the fields after juicing. Crops are also rotated (with alfalfa) to ensure the soil stays rich in natural nitrogen. AIM BarleyLife® undergoes quality assurance testing at every step of harvesting and manufacturing. Samples are tested every 60 minutes to verify moisture, taste and colour levels.

BarleyLife® is a pure concentrated juice (not milled grass). Its natural spectrum of nutrients helps promote a healthy immune system, provide increased energy and helps maintain whole body health. It is naturally rich in chlorophyll, has a neutral pH of 7.0 and when taken every day helps cells to function optimally.

One of the most nutrient dense foods found in nature, young barley grass offers a number of benefits for disease prevention and can help improve overall health.  As I often say, “if people would only include BarleyLife into their daily routine, they would be amazed at the improvements in their overall health and how well they would feel”.

A diet that includes daily consumption of barley grass juice powder can help provide the essential nutrients that promote good health and vitality. The benefits of barley grass truly are phenomenal.

“ It is diet which maintains true health and becomes the best drug.” Shin-Huang-ti

Click here to learn more about AIM BarleyLife® and make your purchase.

Click here to download the AIM (Canada) BarleyLife® datasheet (PDF).

AIM products are intended to improve the nutritional profile of the individuals who use them.
This article is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
As with any nutritional supplement it is always recommended to read the literature thoroughly to find out if the product is right for you, and consult your health care practitioner if you have any medical conditions or concerns.

Article written by: Joanne Jackson, CHN


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I’ve used AIM products for years and it’s a major factor in my great health. That’s why I’m passionate about sharing AIM products with others. This is just a little about me that shows in the footer on every page and the About Me section on the blog.

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