My Busy Healthy Life- A Program to Nourish, heal and set free…What is it all about?

Proverbs 21:5 (NIV)

5 The plans of the diligent lead to profit
as surely as haste leads to poverty.

The Profit I have gained is my health and I have lost 30 pounds (13.6Kg) and want to see other people flourish and succeed too…

My Busy Healthy Life (MBHL) is a program that walks one through making changes to help the body cleanse and heal.

There are 6 goals for this program:

  1. To alkalise the body
  2. To clean out toxins
  3. To identify food sensitivities
  4. To restart the body’s own natural detoxification systems
  5. To rebuild stronger cells
  6. To teach how to live with an alkaline diet


  1.  To alkalise the body.
    1.  Disease thrives in an acid environment. Our bodies become acid for many reasons, but toxic thinking, toxic relationships and our Standard American Diet (SAD) are the 3 that we have control over.
    2.  MBHL teaches us a system to alkalise our bodies.
    3.  Fruits and vegetables are very alkalising and healing, raw foods full of life and vitality.
    4.  Fruit and vegetable juices are key to alkalising the body. BarleyLife, Just Carrots and Redibeets from AIM are non GMO, free of pesticides and weedkillers, even residue of them. Since they are made into a powder at such low temperatures they are still full of enzymes which are the construction crew and enable all the goodness to be delivered AND they get delivered at cellular level within 15-20 minutes.
  2.  To clean out toxins
    1. Fruits and Veggies are important and necessary to help clean out toxins.
    2. The liver cannot cleanse without fruits and vegetables and it is our largest detox organ.
    3. A good fiber is needed, AIM’s Herbal FiberBlend is the best fiber product out there. It has soluble and insoluble fiber in it plus herbs and spices which help scrub the colon.
    4.  BarleyLife, Just Carrots and RediBeets are also essential to helping the body clean out the toxins. BarleyLife is full of chlorophyll which cleans and heals, Just Carrots and RediBeets offer many nutrients and enzymes too that heal, clean and nourish. All 3 help the liver to detox and heal.
    5.  Other AIM products that help us detox are Fit n Fiber, Herbal Release.
  3. Identify food sensitivities.
    1. For a few weeks 10 and efoods are eliminated and a Personal Symptoms Tracker (PST), is completed each week. Only raw foods are eaten on the first 3 days and then 75% raw, 25% cooked  foods are eaten for the remaining 18.
    2. Then for a few weeks 6 foods are reintroduced, 1 at a time. These re introductions help one identify which foods benefit the body (because of the PST) and which ones harm the body. Each person is an individual and thus each person can thus personalise their own food their own diet.
    3. This elimination cleanse is the most effective way of finding out what foods your body is sensitive to, since it is like a newborn baby after the weeks of elimination.
    4. Once you know what foods you are sensitive to, you can feel much better by eliminating the offending food and if you do eat that food, you are much better able to deal with the effects of it.
  4. Restart body’s own natural detoxification systems.
    1.  How does it do this? Whilst eating the raw foods and juices, your body is being unclogged and toxins are being released.
    2. All the nutrients and enzymes help to build the immune system which helps the body fight things off.
    3. The liver, which is the body’s largest detoxification organ, uses the phytonutrients and enzymes to cleanse and heal.
  5. Rebuild stronger cells
    1. The juices , AIM BarleyLife, Just Carrots, Redibeets and CalciAim, go straight to the cells within 15 minutes, if taken on an empty stomach. Packed with phytonutrients, enzymes, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, plus chlorophyll, they go in and house clean and deposit all their goodness into the cells.
    2. This alkalises and oxygenates the body and disease cannot thrive when there is oxygen and no acidity.
    3. Also, continuing to eat mostly raw foods and avoiding toxic foods, relationships and thoughts, keeps the body able to build strong cells and detox every day.
  6. Teach how to live with an alkaline diet
    1. Now that some new habits and systems have been learned and food sensitivities have been established, one learns how to establish an alkaline diet for life.
    2. There are 2 methods:
      1.  Simply the alkaline diet, 75% alkaline and 25% acid with a treat per day and a treat per week and 6 celebration days a year.
      2.  Or Cleanse ETC- Eat, Treat and Celebrate. So again eating more alkaline but enjoying a treat per week and 6 celebration days. One raw day a week will help to keep the body in sync.

It is quite possible to maintain an alkaline diet and be nourished and maintain the new found health. The cookbooks and system make it simple.

If you wish to know more about this, contact me through and leave me a message or check out the Wonderfully Well Banner and 28 Day Cleanse Banner on the site and give it a try.