Psalm 63:5 New International Version (NIV)
5 I will be fully satisfied as with the richest of foods
with singing lips my mouth will praise you.
Many of the AIM products are food, good wholesome foods that nourish and protect and heal.
BarleyLife, BarleyLife Xtra, LeafGreens, Cocoa LeafGreens
Herbal FiberBlend and Fit ‘n Fiber
Redibeets, Just Carrots and Red Rush

Each one offers some nutrition and can be added to smoothies or had as a cocktail by itself.
Many of the other products are also food, offering help with ailments and giving our bodies the food it needs to heal.
Let’s be exploring the goodness of the foods that God has given us and realise how they can benefit us and help us to alkalise our bodies so that we make our bodies an environment where disease cannot thrive.

Check the following pages on the different foods that AIM has to offer…
Blessings… BB