A day in my life doing the cleanse…

Philippians 4:13 tells me that I can do anything through Christ who gives me strength.

Now that does not mean that I can go and be a doctor or lawyer now, or climb a mountain, but it does mean that whatever I have to do in life, I will be able to do it.


So on the 28th of December I started this cleanse, a journey that I would not have been ready for even as little as a month before that! But, as I sought the Lord, He helped me to change my attitude and He helped me to trust that this was going to be good for me. Could I do this in my own strength? No! And I did not need to. I had been promised His presence every step of the way as well as His ability to do the impossible. (This in my case was giving up sugar and grains.)

 I had every intention of starting on the 2nd or 3rd of January, after all, it was New Year and I had to eat until the last moment, but as I was at the market on the 28th and I was buying vegetables, and at Super Store  looking at some of the new foods suggested, I decided that this was the day to start. So I did.

Here is an idea of what a day during my cleanse looked like for me. The times are the general way it happened, but please be aware that I adapted according to the day as I needed to. For example, if I woke up later because it was weekend, then all happened later, and exercise often would take place later in the day, but the idea was to exercise at least 6 out of every 7 days and to take my supplements.


For three weeks, the start to my day was to be with my Garden Trio from AIM (BarleyLife®, 1 Tbs, Just Carrots, 1 tsp, Redi Beets, ½ tsp) plus 3 Florafood, an excellent probiotic, 3 AIMega, for essential fats, and 1GlucoChrom. This all within a few minutes of rising and taken from my ready prepared


Then half an hour later I had a scoop of fiber with a scoop of CalciAIM, (you could mix the CalciAim  with your Garden Trio instead) followed by 2 tablespoons of ground flax seed hot on the heels of that.

Already I was feeling satisfied!  And felt ready and able to do a workout… some exercise


Downstairs to walk on the treadmill, or workout on the treadmill with Steve Phiester on www.liveexercise.com or maybe a walk with the dog, or dancing 20 minutes. So many things to choose from. I aimed at doing at least 30 minutes of movement 6 times a week, and did not get deterred if I could only do the exercise in 10 minute sessions.


Time to make my breakfast smoothie! This is my favourite of the day. Thick and sweet, satisfying and oh so yummy. A banana, some other fruit (frozen or fresh) a half a cup of water or a little more as desired, a half a cup of Almond milk (unsweetened) though coconut or rice milk work too (watch for sugar), or even only water, a scoop each of Propeas and Fit ‘n Fiber plus a half a teaspoon CocaLeafGreens (optional). Then I take my stick mixer and blend it all together.

This satisfies me for 2-3 hours. Don’t forget the water. By this time I have had at least 2 glasses of water, sometimes even 4. I drink throughout the day, aiming to drink the bulk of my 13 glasses by 6pm. (That way I don’t get up so often at night.)


Time for a snack, a few veggies, maybe an apple, a couple of nuts or some sunflower or pumpkin seeds.  How about a little homemade hummus. (see  the recipe blog coming soon)  Another chug a lug on my bottle too.


Lunch time usually starts off with a tablespoon of BarleyLife and a scoop of Propeas mixed with water about half an hour before I eat. This is an amazing pick me up.  Then I have one of my favourites: is a large plateful of the kale/apple salad, sprinkled with sunflower seeds and my mixture of balsamic vinegar with olive oil. This recipe is adapted from Celeste’s in her 3 Days of Raw booklet. If I am out of the house, I carefully put the dressing in a little container so the salad does not wilt. As well I have some nuts or some homemade hummus and some veggies. I try to have a different salad so as not to have the same salad for 2 days in a row, though my fave is tomato, onion, cucmber and olives and sometimes  I eat it daily.


If I did not have my BarleyLife earlier, then I would have it now, like I said earlier, that is a great pick me up. I don’t forget to get more water in!


Time for some more fiber. This time I take it plain, i.e. no CalciAim. I drink it up and follow it with another glass of water. This is not my favourite drink, but the Herbal FiberBlend sure makes a huge difference with my digestion, so it is bottoms up for me!


Last meal of the day calls for a meal which is similar to lunch, but I try to make it resemble a regular meal. So a black bean burger, or nutty lentil burger (see recipe blog coming soon) with a nice large handful or 2 of spinach, topped with another favourite…tomato, onion and cucumber salad with a few olives and a little Himalayan Pink Salt.

Broccoli salad sometimes features too, or a lightly stir fried lot of veggies (still crunchy) on a bed of spinach, red lentil soup on a bed of chopped up broccoli are other ideas. (More to be shared in the recipe blog)


Hopefully I still have a few calories left (once I have entered all into My Fitness Pal) and can enjoy another piece of fruit, or a Yonanas (a machine that make “icecream” out of frozen fruit) or one of Celeste’s delicious deserts.

I aim to be in bed by 10pm with lights out by 10.30pm (though that is one of my weaknesses I am working on) and spray my Magnificence on my lower back, and or have a bath in the crystals. (2x a week).

That was an average day for me during my cleanse and even after with the introductions. I am looking forward to being able to tailor make my own eating plan for myself.

Till next time…be blessed. BB