Dog in remission from cancer with BarleyLife

Proverbs 12:10

The righteous care for the needs of their animals, but the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel.

Dog in remission from cancer with BarleyLife®

Lady saved with BarleyLife from cancer.
Lady saved with BarleyLife from cancer.

In November 2009, our 10 year old English Cocker Spaniel, Lady, was diagnosed with cancer. She had a cyst in her anal glands which had become cancerous. Treatment with surgery, radiation and or chemo was estimated at $3000.00 to $5000.00. We lived 2 hours away from the veterinary hospital so transportation would be added costs. Given her age, we decided not to go this route as we knew we could buy a lot of BarleyLife for that kind of money!

We changed Lady’s diet to more natural food, with dehydrated vegetables, freeze dried meat, and no grains. We gave her a teaspoon of BarleyLife in the morning and a teaspoon at night (equivalent to 8 Tbs for a human which is what the cancerous body needs) plus essential fats as well.

A month or so later, when she went for a checkup we were told that the cyst had not grown and the infection in the cyst and glands and the lymph nodes, was down.

Another month later we went for another checkup and the vet told me that her lymph nodes were not inflamed and there were few or no white blood cells in the juice from the glands.

Each visit showed all looking good.

We put both of our dogs onto the new eating plan, both lost weight and behaved like puppies. They loved their walks and they had lots of energy. Another benefit is that their breath is not bad anymore! And their teeth, which were brown, became white again!

20 months after she was diagnosed with cancer there was no infection and she should have been dead according to the general trend.

I say thanks to AIM for providing an amazing product that saved my dog from having to have chemotherapy, saved us time and money and has given Lady a new lease on life. I also say Praise God for His amazing superfood: BarleyLife!!!!


AIM products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.