The importance of essential fatty acids
Every cell in your body requires omega-3 and -6 essentials fatty acids (EFAs) … every day. Fatty acids are the primary building material of your cell membranes, which need to remain permeable for nutrients to enter and waste to exit.
Since your body cannot produce EFAs, it means your diet must include EFA-rich foods, such as salmon, kale, and flax seeds. AIMega® provides a rich source of organic flax seed oil for a balanced 2:1 ratio of omega-3 and -6—a blend that also includes sesame seed, sunflower seed, and olive oils.
Your body has a trigger mechanism that requires a balance of omega-3 and -6. An imbalance of too much omega-6 can create health problems. Supplementing with AIMega can ensure that you always have the proper amounts and balance of these healthy fats.
An omega-3 EFA-deficiency is associated with a long list of health problems, including conditions such as dry skin; brittle fingernails and toenails; dry eyes; and, even far more of a concern, diseases such as arthritis, cancer, and type 2 diabetes.
Essential fatty acids are vital for a long list of functions that include:
- Maintaining cellular function … it all begins with healthy cells
- Growing and repairing your cells
- Regulating blood pressure
- Balancing hormones
- Strengthening bones
- Supporting a strong immune system
Since your body relies on EFAs for so many vital functions, they are essential for maintaining your health and preventing diseases.