
AIM Herbal Fiberblend provides the initial detoxificationyou need to start down the road to and maintain whole body health.  Its combination of fiber and cleansing herbs also provides the perfect way to keep your digestive system clean and maintain your digestive health.


• Helps maintain whole body health

• Helps maintain digestive health

• Detoxifies

• Reduces transit time

• Helps maintain regular bowel movements

• More thorough evacuation of waste

• Fiber studies show that soluble fiber helps maintain healthy cholesterol levels and may reduce incidences of diverticulosis, colon cancer, and appendicitis.

Your Diet?

Are you trying to lose weight? Do you suffer from constipation, IBS or gas? Is your cholesterol higher than it should be? These are a few things that can be helped a great deal by increasing the fiber in your diet. For some reason many people tend to think that fiber will act like a laxative but it can actually work just the opposite so be aware of this fact and drink your water. It is so important to understand what fiber is and how it can benefit your whole body health.

Simply dividing fiber into two categories is helpful for understanding how it works in your body.

Soluble fiber attracts water and turns to gel during digestion. This slows digestion. Soluble fiber is found in oat bran, barley, nuts, seeds, beans, lentils, peas, and some fruits and vegetables.

Insoluble fiber is found in foods such as wheat bran, vegetables, and whole grains.- Slavin JL.
Position of the American Dietetic Association: health implications of dietary fiber. J Am Diet Assoc. 2008;108:1716-1731.

Combining both types of fibers is also good for overall health but weight loss and cholesterol will benefit best with soluble fiber.  Soluble fiber acts like a sponge so it will absorb and remove excess fats, bile acids, hormones and more that are recycling in your digestive system. As you remove these things your body will need to produce fresh new hormones and bileacids. Your body will pull cholesterol from your blood to make these things.  Since you have pulled cholesterol out of your blood your levels can drop. Keep taking the soluble fiber over time and your doctor should be able to notice a significant drop both in cholesterol and triglycerides. I have two friends who have seen significant improvements by adding AIM Fit’n Fiber twice per day to their daily regimen.

AIM Fit N Fiber is a delicious peach flavored powder that you can mix in water, juice or yogurt. It is so simple to take and many have had great improvments. Some have even seen improvements with acidreflux. The only thing I will say is that it does have a high amount of soluble fiber, 6 grams per scoop. This can cause gas so I recommend that you start slowly allowing your body to get used to a new level of fiber. I also recommend that you follow each serving of fiber with an extra, 12 ounces or more, glassof water. Extra water is beneficial for helping the fiber work well.

Soluble fiber will also expand in your stomach and make you feel full. If you use soluble fiber 20 minutes before two meals it can help you feel full so you will not eat as much. If you add soluble fiber to a smoothie or protein shake you can actually substitute a meal such as breakfast. Drinking extra water with your fiber will also help you feel fuller adding to weight loss benefits.

Insoluble fiber adds bulk to the stool and seems to help food pass more quickly through the stomach and intestines. This is important especially when foods such as meat can ferment and create toxins in your body.  Moving your meals through your system within 16-24 hours is important. Many people do not realize how long the food remains in their digestive system. I am shocked when I hear that some people do not have a bowel movement for almost two weeks. This is just so dangerous, mostly bccause of the toxins created by the foods fermenting in their body. A simple corn test can help you determine your transit time. Eat corn at one time in a two week period. Mark down the day and time that you eat the corn. You are now going to have to watch the toilet when you go to the bathroom to see when that insoluble corn reappears.  Calculate the hours from the time you ate the corn until the time you see it again.  This time should fall between 16-24 hours.

Chromium Helps Weight Loss

Chromium is necessary for the body to produce glucose tolerance factor (GTF) which is necessary for insulin production and proper function in the body.  If you are even slightly deficient your blood sugar can rise which means you require more insulin to metabolize that blood sugar.  Blood sugar is the amount of sugar(glucose) we have in our blood.  Chromium is a naturally occurring macronutrient in food such as whole grains, nuts, broccoli, and green beans.

With reduced amounts of insulin in the blood (within normal limits), fat cells are less inclined to store fat, and weight loss may become easier.  By contrast, those who are overweight may have insulin resistance, or the inability of the cells to accept and efficiently use glucose. Fat cells respond to increased levels of insulin in the bloodstream by storing even more fat.  Quite simply, high insulin levels build fat, while low insulin levels break down stored fats and sugar. …. Chromium also aids in the synthesis of fats, cholesteroland proteins in the blood, thereby reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease. Read more in the AIM Glucochrome Datasheet.

Because of our compromised food sources, poor soils and just plain bad eating habits it might become necessary to supplement with a plant derived chromium.

Are sugar cravings a problem?  This happens when we indulge in too much sugar then crash.  Our body will attempt to correct this dramatic imbalance by making you crave the sugar to bring the levels back up.  This begins a vicious cycle of craving sugar and crashing. In order to balance this craving cycle supplementing with plant derived chromium might be the answer.  Reducing sugar cravings, reduces our sugar intake which helps maintain a balanced insulin level. Do you see how this will help with weight loss?

Chromium – A new type of chromium supplement

GlucoChrom is the first AIM product to use a unique and revolutionary method for delivering chromium to the body.  This product uses barley grass as a natural delivery system that integrates chromium into the matrix of the plant through a proprietary process.  This plant-bound chromium is recognized by the body and is extremely well-absorbed.  We are in essence, using the logic of nature and our bodies to achieve this.

In the case of GlucoChrom barley grass is grown hydroponically (where nutrition is supplied through liquid rather than soil).  At the right time in the growth phase, we use a special process to alter the growing environment and increase the level of chromium.  We are thus able to grow barley leaves that contain the amounts of chromium we specify.  There is no hybridization or genetic alteration.  The chromium we supply from this process is called LeafBrand chromium.

We cannot overestimate the importance of this type of delivery system.  Traditionally, many mineral supplements have been made from inorganic minerals? those that have been mined from the earth or developed in a laboratory.  Only a small portion of inorganic minerals is assimilated by the human body.

In chelated minerals, the mineral is bound to an organic substance, which adds to assimilation, but how well the substance will be assimilated depends on the chelation process.  Most mineral chelates arecompounds not normally found in nature and may even be viewed as foreign substances by the body.

In creating our LeafBrand chromium, we use a plant? the ideal mineral factory.  Plants take up both inorganic and chelated minerals and convert them to small, water-soluble molecules.  Plant-bound minerals have been found to be more soluble in simulated gastric and intestinal fluid and therefore are potentially more bioavailable than other supplements.

GlucoChrom, through LeafBrand chromium, provides standardized and easily and efficiently absorbed plant-bound chromium to the body.



About Me

I’ve used AIM products for years and it’s a major factor in my great health. That’s why I’m passionate about sharing AIM products with others. This is just a little about me that shows in the footer on every page and the About Me section on the blog.

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