8 Reasons Why You Should Take AIM BarleyLife
The Easiest Way to Eat ALL the Veggies You Need Every Day…
This will almost guarantee you’ll reach your daily vegetable target with ease. At the same time it’s your hidden shortcut to detoxification, genuine healing, and optimal weight. Achieve your health goals far faster than you ever dreamed – just make this wholesome habit part of your day, every day take the Garden Trio (BarleyLife, Just-Carrots and the Redi-beets) put the good in and take the bad out with the Herbal FiberBlend (20 ingredients).
8 Reasons Why You Should Take AIM BarleyLife@ (BL)
1] THE ASSIMILATION FACTOR: BL – is an unprocessed, uncooked, live food concentrate; so its nutrients are quickly assimilated (accepted and utilized) by the body. BL’s unaltered natural vitamins, minerals, amino acids (proteins) and enzymes provide cells with fuel necessary to rebuild and regenerate. Our bodies benefit more from natural substances found in BL than from high doses of synthetic vitamins and minerals manufactured in a laboratory which the body finds difficult to utilize. DEAD SUPPLEMENTS = DEAD PEOPLE; LIVE SUPPLEMENTS = LIVE PEOPLE
2] HIGH ALKALINITY: Our cells and blood can’t function well unless the body’s pH (which measures acidity and alkalinity) is kept around neutral. (7.0) Research shows when we’re acidic, we’re susceptible to disease. Allergists find most people with severe allergies are acidic. Meat, dairy products, sugar, and refined and processed foods cause the body to become acidic. A diet of 10-80% raw fruits & vegetables maintains an alkaline environment. BL balances the negative effects of acid-forming foods.
3] NATURAL CHLOROPHYLL: Chlorophyll, which is solar energy captured for human consumption, is a result of plant photosynthesis. Its molecular structure is almost identical to blood hemoglobin (Hgb). The primary difference is the nuclei-the nucleus of Hgb is iron, and the nucleus of chlorophyll is magnesium. Chlorophyll rids the body of dead cells, reduces or eliminates bad breath, helps age spots disappear, aids in wound healing, disinfects the body, and builds the blood. Chlorophyll is a detoxifier and cleanser for the body. Chlorophyll also removes carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide, the by-products of respiration and pollution, from the body.
4) WIDE SPECTRUM OF VITAMINS AND MINERALS: BL is bursting with nutrition! It contains at least 16 vitamins, 11 major minerals and 60 trace minerals. These include potassium, calcium, magnesium, Iron, copper, phosphorus, manganese, zinc, beta-carotene, B1, B2, B6, C, folic acid and pantothenic acid. BL contains 11 times the calcium in cow’s milk, 7 times the calcium found in an equivalent weight of raw spinach and 15 times the calcium found in an equivalent weight of raw broccoli. It contains 2 times the beta carotene found in and equivalent weight of raw carrots and 25 times of the beta carotene found in an equivalent weight of raw broccoli.
5] WHOLE BALANCED FOOD: The real power of BL, a whole food concentrate, is found in the combination of its many nutrients. BL is as close to its natural state as possible and supplies nutrients in natural proportions. This is what attracted Dr. Yoshihide Hagiwara, the creator of BL, to barley—a vision of totality—not individual pieces. “BarleyLifeTM should not be recognized by discussing the amount of its vitamins and minerals. The era of focusing on a single vitamin or mineral is gone…much more attention is being focused on biological phenomenon.”
6] HIGH AMOUNT OF AMINO ACIDS (PROTEIN): BL contains a wide spectrum of amino acids necessary for our body’s health. BL has twice the protein of hamburger by weight without the cholesterol and fat. Many professional athletes use BL for the stamina and strength it gives them.
7] RICH STOREHOUSE OF LIVE ENZYMES: Enzymes are not found in cooked or processed foods. We need to trust the “Master Chemist” who knew what he was talking about when He said “eat the green plants” (Genesis 1:29-30). BL also contains unknown nutrients. We know there are hundreds of live enzymes in BL, yet we’ve only been able to isolate around 30 of them in a laboratory. We know BL contains digestive enzymes, anti-inflammatory enzymes, and toxin-neutralizing enzymes. There are hundreds of enzymes in BL whose function is yet to be discovered. Enzymes are the body’s spark plugs. They supply the spark needed for essential chemical reactions in our bodies. Without this spark and chemical reaction, we would be helpless; a bag of bones, unable to walk, talk, blink or breathe. Studies show cells have a barrier, which vitamins cannot pass through unless they are piggybacked on a live enzyme. We are all born with a storehouse of enzymes. But over time we use up more than we take in, so the storehouse eventually depletes. One important enzyme found in BL, Super Oxide Dismutase (SOD), has been the subject of significant research. The aging process has been directly linked to decreasing amounts of SOD in our system. Increasing our intake of SOD helps our body repair itself more quickly. The enzyme, SOD, is a powerful antioxidant thought to slow the rate of cell destruction by providing a defense against free radicals, especially the most prolific free radical, superoxide. Superoxide free radicals are thought to be responsible for the breakdown of synovial fluid that leads to the inflammatory response in joints. Much of the current clinical research on SOD is focused on arthritis, bursitis, and gout. Low levels of SOD are also associated with cataracts and other degenerative diseases. BL is rich in SOD. In addition, it is believed SOD helps the body use zinc, copper and manganese more effectively.
8] AN ENZYME CALLED P4D1, isolated in a laboratory in California in the 1980’s in Barley juice. P4D1 was found to do two things in the human body. It is the first known substance to actually stimulate repair of the DNA molecule. It is possible that disease cells can be repaired with P4D1 so that when they reproduce they will actually produce good cells. P4D1 has also been shown in laboratory tests to eat the protein sheath off a cancer cell so that the white blood cells can attack and destroy them.
“Tinkle and Spit to be Fit”
A pH Lecture by Dr Mark Cochran DC, NED
If you are in a state of acidosis (measurable by urine and saliva pH) then you are not healthy no matter how well you feel or how symptom-free you are!! Statistics indicate that 97% of people (even infants) have dirty “fishbowl water” meaning the water that bathes your cells and dirty “fishbowl water” leads to sick fish! Your “fishbowl water” is tested by measuring the first morning urine pH with pH testing paper and should be between 6.5 and 7.1. Anything outside that range is an indication of a problem. This testing must be done first thing upon waking, before eating, drinking or exercising.
Our bodies are 76% water. The brain is 97%, the blood 94% – we are walking water!! What happens when we don’t take care of the water that baths the cell in our bodies? Dirty water creates acidosis. The state of the water will equal the state of the cells.
There is 4 major factors that contribute to mess up “fishbowl water”:
- What you put on the skin – within 40 seconds, anything you put on the skin is transported to the liver. Are you putting toxins on your skin via lotions, hair dyes, cleansers etc?
- What you put in your mouth. Are you eating and drinking foods that are alive, nutritious and Alkaline?
- The air you breath – toxins are absorbed through the lungs.
- “Stinkin’ Thinkin’ ” – emotional health. 93% of chronic disease has an emotional component.
Now here’s the chemistry lesson:
We want negative (-) ions. Hydrogen ions carry a positive (+) charge. pH stands for “the potential of Hydrogen”. pH is exponential which means that every point deviation from neutral (pH 7.0) is a factor of 10 not 1.
e.g. 6.0 to 7.0=1 point=10x more acidic than neutral; pH of 5.0=2 points=100x more acidic; pH of 4 is a 3 point deviation so 1000x more acidic and so on……..
pH scale
0 __________ (acidic) ________7_________ (alkaline) __________14
Maintenance pH: 6.5 to 6.8
Therapeutic pH: 6.8 to 7.1. (necessary to heal an existing health challenge)
Have you ever been in a Nursing Home or other “sick care” facility and smelled ammonia? This is a result of acidosis in the body. The kidney produces ammonia (a base) to neutralize the acidic “fishbowl water” to protect itself from being burnt.this then neutralizes the urine so the pH would appear in the normal to alkaline range (around 7) even though the body is very acidic and that is a dangerous situation. Dr “C” related a story of an elderly woman with an alkaline pH who was prescribed an acid forming diet to “counteract” this alkaline urine pH. The woman died 3 days later.
The emotional component that is a factor in 93% of chronic illness (the “stinkin’ thinkin”) is measurable by testing first morning saliva pH and should be 6.8. This is a measure of the effect of neurotransmitters in the system which is a direct measure of emotion.
Fibromyalgia, asthma, cancer, arthritis, colic, yeast infections, even diabetes is attributable to acidosis (pH below 6.5) your body must be in a range of 6.8-7.1 in order to heal and existing health problem. This is called therapeutic pH.
People won’t lose weight or absorb vitamins and minerals etc if the pH is not balanced. Example: if first morning urine pH is: < 6.4 or >7.2, iodine is NOT being absorbed thus affecting thyroid, metabolism and weight; a pH of< 5.5 means calcium, magnesium and potassium are NOT being absorbed; at pH of<5.5 you should NOT do strenuous exercise because acidosis is increased due to lactic acid production in the muscles.
The tissue most affected by acidosis is the heart. It is interesting that if a “healthy” athlete dies unexpectedly….it is often due to heart attack! Combine strenuous exercise (training) with a high protein diet (also very acidifying) and you have a potential problem!
Detoxification is the cleaning of the water in the “fish bowl”. You may feel worse before feeling better. This is part of the healing system of the body. If the body is too acidic it is a perfect environment for mold, fungus, bacteria, viruses, and parasites. You will not correct pH by controlling symptoms you must neutralize pH by detoxifying. Change the pH and you change your health.
About Me
I’ve used AIM products for years and it’s a major factor in my great health. That’s why I’m passionate about sharing AIM products with others. This is just a little about me that shows in the footer on every page and the About Me section on the blog.