

The AIM Herbal Fiberblend ingredients work together; to detoxify the colon as well as the digestive system in addition to assisting the body get rid of the parasites and toxins (it gets the bad-out).  Your health will improve as well as experience great results from the function of these 20 ingredients:

  1. AlfalfaMedicago sativa – Relieves constipation and reduces cholesterol
  2. Black walnut hullsJuglans nigra – Reduces intestinal parasites and improves bowel movement
  3. Capsicum – (fruit) – Promotes cleansing of the circulatory and digestive systems; regulates blood pressure
  4. Cascara SagradaRhamnus purshiana – Acts as a laxative, stimulating evacuation from the bowels; promotes peristaltic action (muscular contractions in the digestive system)
  5. Hibiscus FlowerHibiscus sabariffa – Lubricates the intestinal tract
  6. Irish MossChondrus crispus – Helps form bulky stools
  7. Licorice RootGlycyrrhiza glabra – Acts as an anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic
  8. Marshmallow RootAlthaea officinalis – Acts as a mucilage, a sticky substance with adhesive qualities
  9. MulleinVerbascum thapsus – Soothes stomach cramps
  10. OatstrawAvena Sativa – Soothes stomach cramps
  11. PassionflowerPassiflora incarnata – Calms the nervous system and soothes an irritable bowel
  12. Psyllium – Plantago ovata – Helps form bulky stools and softens stools; is a natural source of fiber; removes excess cholesterol
  13. Pumpkin SeedsCucurbita pepo – Expels parasites
  14. Rose hips – (fruit) – Has a calming effect to reduce stress; helps fight infection
  15. Senna (capsules only) – Senna Alexandria – Acts as a laxative, stimulating evacuation from the bowels; promotes peristalsis
  16. ShavegrassEquisetum arvense – Expels parasites
  17. Slippery Elm BarkUlmus rubra – Acts as a mucilage, a sticky substance with adhesive qualities
  18. VioletViola odorata – Cleanses and expels parasites
  19. Witch HazelHamamelis virginiana – Acts as a mucilage, a sticky substance with adhesive qualities
  20. YuccaYucca schidigera/Yucca brevifolia – Acts as a laxative, stimulating evacuation from the bowels



About Me

I’ve used AIM products for years and it’s a major factor in my great health. That’s why I’m passionate about sharing AIM products with others. This is just a little about me that shows in the footer on every page and the About Me section on the blog.

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