
CHLOROPHYLL REMEDIES                            

Remedial Effects of Chlorophyll

Builds a High Blood Count

Provides Iron to Organs

Counteracts Toxins Eaten

Improves Anemic Conditions

Cleans and deodorizes Bowel Tissues

Helps Purify the Liver

Aids Hepatitis Improvement

Feeds Heart Tissues Iron

Regulates Menstruation

Aids Hemophilia condition

Improves Blood Sugar problems (diabetes)

Aid in Asthma Improvement

Increases Iron Content in Milk

Improves Milk Production

Helps Sores Heal Faster

Eliminates Body Odors

Resists Bacteria in Wounds

Cleans Tooth & Gum Structure in Pycrrhca

Improves Nasal Drainage

Slows Nasal Drip

Lessens need for Underarm Deodorizers

Eliminates Bad Breath

Relieves Sore Throat

Makes Excellent Tooth Surgery Gargle

Benefits Inflamed Tonsils

Soothes Ulcer Tissues

Soothes Painful Hemorrhoids and Piles

Aids Catarrhal Discharges

Revitalizes Vascular System in the Legs

Improves Varicose Veins

Reduces Pain Caused by Inflammation


From:   Health Magic through Chlorophyll from living plant life

By Bernard Jensen,  Nutritionist


For additional information: 



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I’ve used AIM products for years and it’s a major factor in my great health. That’s why I’m passionate about sharing AIM products with others. This is just a little about me that shows in the footer on every page and the About Me section on the blog.

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