AIM Changed My Life

In May, 2003, a doctor broke the news to me that I was diabetic.  I was devastated.  He started me on medication which caused digestive problems and mood swings.  I went into a deep depression and had no will to live.  My husband was already on the AIM products, but I would not listen.  But he was persistent, because he believed strongly in them.  Finally, I decided to use them as part of my daily routine and I also began eating healthier.  The doctor never had an encouraging word for me.  Even though my lab results were improving, she wanted to increase my dosage of medication.  I refused, wanting to see if I could have better results on my own.  However, I continued taking 1 capsule of medication, afraid to let go.  One day the doctor told me, “it doesn’t matter what you do, you will still have complications from this disease” and continued to tell me that medication was the only remedy.  That blew me away and a turning point for me.  God breathed life into me and only He can take it away, I gave Him all my doubts, fears and anger and walked out of her office never to return.  I have been off medication for over a year and maintain my blood sugars below120 with healthy food choices and the AIM products.  My primary products are the Garden Trio, Fiberblend, and Glucochrom, along with several others.  In June 2004, I changed doctors.  He did extensive testing and informed me that the tests showed that all my organs are healthy and my good and bad cholesterol levels were normal.  They did a test averaging 3 months of blood sugar levels and he said he had no idea why the other doctor told me I was diabetic.  He told me I was disgustingly healthy.”  Putting my trust in Christ and the AIM products has changed my life.  NEVER, NEVER allow anyone to strip you of hope.

Margaret Toscano, San Antonio, TX