In 1997, my sister had a heart-attack, triple by-pass. While praying and fasting for her, God spoke to my heart; He wanted me to go to the doctor to have my heart examined. I relentlessly obeyed God (because I had no symptoms). I ended up having emergency quadruple bypass. Two years later a second heart catheterization showed that 3 out of the 4 bypasses had collapsed. They also diagnosed me with several other “inoperable” heart conditions and than placed my name on a heart transplant list and then sent me home to die.
Seeking hope and answers, I visited four additional doctors who all said the same thing, except for the fifth one. He was a Christian doctor who told me that my faith in God, a lifestyle change, exercise and good nutrition would slowly reverse the problems. I got started on the AIM Cardio-Vascular Nutritional Plan, the Mediterranean Diet, and an exercise plan, but was still taking too many medications for my conditions.
My first Garden Trio drink felt like I had stuck my finger in an electrical socket as the nutrients flooded my cells and body. I immediately began to feel stronger, more energetic, my skin color improved and I felt more alive then ever. Other people even noticed and asked me if I had already gotten a heart transplant. With my strong faith in God and these wonderful nutrients, I slowly weaned myself off the medications because truly I was more afraid of them than the disease.
Today, I am medication free, look and feel better than ever. I am so thankful to God for placing the AIM products in my pathway, restoring and prospering my health. After reviewing my annual physical exam five years ago, my Cardiologist told me that if she didn’t know my medical history she would say that I no longer had heart disease. The only negative thing she told me was, “I think you’re crazy for not taking the medication”. The doctor also recommended to continue my nutritional daily intake and exercise plan, a lifestyle change along with my faith in God serving as a short-term missionary in Mexico for a successful quality of life. Thank you God and the AIM Companies!