Need Help?

Here is a list of common health challenges, and which of The AIM Companies products can taken to provide the nutrition related to that challenge. The products listed below are all-natural, plant based nutrition that provide the right food for cells to heal, repair, strengthen and energize!

We have and continue to use the AIM products mentioned below over the years to nourish our cells. You can check out a video or other information on these products out by going to our Home Page, then click on the Shop Products link. As with any health challenge, drink plenty of good, filtered water!

High cholesterol: AIMega, Bear Paw Garlic, Cellsparc 360.

High blood pressure: AIMega, Bear Paw Garlic, Ginko Sense.

Diabetes / pre-diabetes: GlucoChrom, fit ‘n fiber, BarleyLife.

Weight challenges: fit ‘n fiber, Pro Peas, (together called the Lean Team), Herbal Fiberblend.

Allergies: AIMega, BarleyLife, Herbal Fiberblend.

Arthritis: Frame Essentials, BarleyLife, Proancynol 2000.

Psoriasis: AIMega, BarleyLife, Herbal Fiberblend.

GERD / acid reflux: BarleyLife, Herbal Fiberblend, Prepzymes, Flora Food.

Bronchitis: BarleyLife, CellStar, Proancynol 2000.

Constipation: Herbal Fiberblend, fit ‘n fiber, Herbal Release.

Hemorrhoids: Herbal Fiberblend, fit ‘n fiber.

Osteoporosis: CalciAim, BarleyLife, Leaf Greens. 

Menopause: Renewed Balance, RevitaFem, BarleyLife.
Renewed Balance and RevitaFem