Turn Back the Clock with the Fountain of Youth
Wouldn’t it be nice to jump into a fountain of youth, swim around for a while, while it turns back the clock 20 years? Recent research in ACE Fitness Matters (www.acefitness.org.) explains, “Just 6 months of moderate exercise for 55 year olds could help them to turn back the clock as much as 20 years!” Following are several benefits of exercise and how enzymes can improve the quality of life.
Benefits of exercise
How important is it for you to be able to pick up your children or grandchildren, get up and down off of the floor while playing with them, or take them to the park? Regular exercise can strengthen the muscles and bones throughout the body so you can do the things just mentioned. Exercise has wonderful benefits for people of all ages such as reducing the risk of many chronic diseases including heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, type II diabetes, auto-immune diseases, and helps to control blood sugar levels. It also improves the quality of sleep, reduces stress, increases energy, improves the immune system, increases the metabolism, helps with weight loss, and many other benefits.
Enzymes Improve Health
Dr. Edward Howell, who is the father of enzyme research, explains that the more enzymes a person has in their body then the longer and healthier life that is possible. If a person is running low on enzymes in their body, some of the problems that can occur can be: acne, allergies, arthritis, cold hands/feet, constipation, colon problems, depression, digestion problems, fatigue, hypoglycemia, indigestion, insomnia, muscle pain, hot flashes, PMS, prostrate problems, psoriasis, parasites, sinus infections, swelling, weakness, and many more symptoms.
Each enzyme has a specific function in the body that no other enzyme can fulfill. Following are just a few of their responsibilities in the human body: essential for digesting food, converting food to energy, fight inflammation, stimulating the brain, destroys viruses, help to eliminate the toxins from the colon, kidneys, lungs, and skin, assist in the repair of muscle tissues, organs, nerve cells, bone, skin, and glandular tissue, help the blood to coagulate in order to stop bleeding, protect the blood from dangerous waste materials, and maintaining proper function of the body (Prescription for Nutritional Healing, p. 34, and Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, & Lyme Disease, p.198.)
Food with Enzymes
Some enzymes are made in the body but studies show that as people age, they make less with each passing year. Enzymes are also found in raw fruits, vegetables, and nuts. Experts recommend 7 to 11 servings of fruit and vegetables each day to be healthy. Foods that reach over 120 degrees such as cooked, processed, and canned foods are “dead” and don’t have the live enzymes present for good health. If you are not getting enough enzymes through the food you eat, it is important to take an enzyme supplement, but be sure to use a company who process their products at a low temperature so the enzymes are not destroyed. I recommend AIM’s BarleyLife, Just Carrots, and Redi Beets which is also called the Garden Trio. They are considered “whole foods” which is the raw juice from organic barley grass, carrots, and beets. It is literally a salad in a glass that has thousands of live enzymes and can get you 7 servings of vegetables each day. AIM’s PrepZymes are digestive enzymes to take with meals. They help to digest carbohydrates, fiber, fats, oils, sugars, grains, proteins, and dairy.
Many health benefits are seen when starting an exercise program and increasing the amount of enzymes in your food. One of the best is that it enhances your quality of life and you are able to continue to do many of the things you enjoy. I challenge you to jump into the fountain of youth and see how many years you can turn back on the clock.
For More Information:
*Information on the products: www.MyAimStore.com/DebraPugh
*Like me on Facebook: www.facebook.com/FibroFitandHealthy
*Connect with me on Linked In: www.linkedin.com/in/DebraPughFibroFitandHealthy
About Me
I’ve used AIM products for years and it’s a major factor in my great health. That’s why I’m passionate about sharing AIM products with others. This is just a little about me that shows in the footer on every page and the About Me section on the blog.
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