Candida and Yeast can Cause Many Health Problems

Candida and Yeast can Cause Many Health Problems


itWhen God designed the human body, He placed good bacteria inside the body to act as a garbage recycling factory.  This “factory” has an important job to convert dead organisms to a useable form.  When the system gets out of balance, yeast can create a lot of problems and they can become our enemy instead of our friend.

Having an overgrowth of yeast in the body can cause over 100 different symptoms and make people feel “sick all over.”  Following are some of the symptoms that can occur with an overgrowth of Candida Albicans (type of yeast.)

Symptoms of Candida[i][ii]

allergies                                  athletes foot                            asthma

anxiety                                    acne                                          anemia

abdominal pain                     acid reflux                               bloating

belching                                   blurred vision                        burning

bronchitis                                bad breath                              chest tightness/pain

chronic cough                          colic                                         constipation

chronic fatigue                        chronic pain                           dark circles under eyes

diaper rash                               diarrhea                                  dizziness

digestive problems                  depression                             ear infections

eye pain                                      eczema                                   endometriosis

fatigue                                        fluid in ears                            fungus toe/fingernails

gas                                               gluten intolerance                 headaches

heartburn                                   hay fever                                  hyperactivity

irregular menstruation            impotence                               indigestion

insomnia                                     irritability                                joint pain/swelling

jock itch                                      learning difficulties                low-grade fever

loss of sexual desire                 menstrual cramping               mental confusion

miscarriages                              muscle pain                              memory problems

migraine headaches                 mood swings                            muscle weakness

numbness                                   nasal itching/drip                   nasal congestion

obsessive disorders                  panic attacks                            PMS (premenstrual syndrome)

poor concentration                  projectile vomiting                  problems getting pregnant

prostatitis                                  ringing in the ear                     restless leg syndrome

short attention span                skin rashes                                sensitivity to heat/cold

sore throat                                 see spots                                    sweet cravings

sinus problems                         thrush  (white on tongue)      urinary tract infection

vaginal yeast infection            weight gain                                wheezing


What is Yeast

Yeast is a single celled organism that thrives on the surface of other living things including fruits, vegetables, grains, the skin, and inside the body.  Candida Albicans is a type of yeast that likes to live in the digestive tract.

The yeast doesn’t cause health problems when there is the correct balance in the body.  It is when the candida multiplies that can cause different health problems. As the yeast multiples, it releases many toxins, which weakens the immune system, and then allows health problems to occur.

For yeast to grow, it requires a specific environment that is made up of a moist, dark place with a constant food supply which describes the gastrointestinal tract.  Yeast grows on sugar and on any food that can quickly be broken down into sugar.  For this reason, people with too much yeast in their body often crave sugar, bread, and other starchy foods.

 “Good” Bacteria in Intestines         

There are several different kinds of organisms living in the intestinal tract.  The human body has both “good” bacteria and harmful “bad” bacteria.  The key to good health is having the right balance of each in the body.

Trillions of these “good” bacteria live in the intestinal tract and keep the intestines clean by feeding on the waste, fungus, yeast, and other harmful bacteria.  They help control the candida overgrowth by producing chemicals that inhibit the growth of the bad bacteria. For example, lactobacillus acidophilus produces chemicals that are toxic to the bacteria commonly known to cause ‘Montezuma’s revenge.’[iii][iv]

Dr. Serafina Corsello, director of the Corsello Centers for Nutritional Complementary Medicine in New York, agrees that there is a connection between candida and immune problems.  “Imbalance of intestinal flora and delayed food allergies are almost universally present in people with autoimmune disorders.” [v]

Cause of Yeast Related Illnesses

The most common way the good bacteria is destroyed is from taking antibiotics.   See the list below for other common ways to destroy the good bacteria in the body.

alcohol                                 antibiotics                                birth control pills

chemical exposure            chemotherapy                          chemicals in foods

chlorinated water             compacted colon                     cortisone

coffee                                  chocolate                                  hormonal changes

drugs                                   injury                                        hormone injected meats

pregnancy                          poor diet                                   poor digestion

prednisone                        pesticides in foods                  preservatives in food

pesticides in air                refined flour                             steroids

stress                                  sugar                                          tetracycline (acne)

trauma                               tobacco                                      tobacco smoke[vi][vii]

Once the good bacteria are killed, then the yeast takes advantage of the situation and starts to multiply.  As it continues to grow, it kills other helpful organisms.  It starts to create an environment that is inviting to parasites and other harmful bacteria.


The easiest way to add the healthy bacteria to the human body is through supplementation called probiotics.  Probiotics is the term used to describe the healthy bacteria that naturally occur in the intestines.  The term is also used to describe the supplements or nutrients that support the good bacteria.  Following are a few ways probiotics benefit the human body.

-break down and rebuild hormones

-clean the intestinal tract, purify the colon, and promote regular bowel movements

create lactic acid which balances intestinal pH

-help to destroy molds, viruses, and parasites

-aids in digesting lactose (milk sugar) and protein

-help to maintain healthy cholesterol and triglyceride levels

-increase the number of immune system cells which enhances the immune response

-helps to protect the body from environmental toxins such as pesticides and pollutants

-manufacture vitamins B6, B12, K, folic acid, and assorted amino acids

-produce antibiotics and antifungals that prevent the growth of harmful bacteria and fungi

-reduce toxic waste at the cellular level

-stimulate the repair mechanism of cells

Disorders Linked to Candida

adrenal dysfunction                 Alzheimer’s/Dementia           attention deficit disorder

ADHD                                         autism                                        Auto-Immune Disorders

clinical depression                   chronic fatigue                         chronic sinusitis

celiac disease (gluten)             Crohn’s disease                        dermatitis

eczema                                        fibromyalgia                             hypothyroidism

immune dysfunction               irritable bowel syndrome       leaky gut syndrome

lupus                                           lactose intolerance                  macular degeneration

psoriasis                                     rosacea                                       schizophrenia

tinea versicolor (skin)             Tourette’s                                  obsessive-compulsive disorder

How Candida is Treated

The first approach of getting rid of candida is to kill it by starving it.  Since yeast like to eat sugar and thrive and multiply on it, then take it away.  It is very important to eat lots of vegetables for they absorb the mycotoxins (fungal poisons) and carry them out of the body.

Kauffman explains that if the yeast is killed, then it is imperative that they are eliminated from the body (otherwise the dead fungus rots and release poisonous gasses throughout the body.)  This is a job for the colon and AIM’s Herbal Fiberblend.

Non-digested fiber assists the body in ridding the dead fungus.  The fiber binds to the yeast and prevents it from being reabsorbed back into the body.

Dr. Lita Lee, Ph.D., an enzyme therapist in Oregon, recommends using plant enzymes to treat yeast overgrowth and to “eat up” the dead candida.   AIM’s BarleyLife or AIM’s PrepZymes have many plant enzymes that can help with this situation.

 Testimony of Sugar and Pain

I had a “crick in my neck” for 4 weeks.  My neck hurt to move from side to side and to look up and down.  Over the next month, I went to four different chiropractors and several massage therapists, and nothing brought relief to the pain and stiffness.

After four weeks of pain, I decided to go on the candida program.  I was amazed for I had spent four weeks in pain but within three days of being on this program, the pain in my neck was gone!

Recommended Supplements for Candida

  1. AIM’s BarleyLife

It can help to balance the pH in the body to be able to handle the cleansing program of the dead yeast.[viii]  If the body is too acid, then it is harder to remove the toxins.  This is a “whole food” and not a man-made product.  It has thousands of live enzymes that help to destroy the toxins in the body.  It is also has many vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and antioxidants to help restore the health of the cells in the body.

  1. AIM’s Flora Food

This Probiotic contains a special blend of several powerful friendly bacteria—lactobacillus acidophilus, bifidobacterium bifidum, and bifidobacterium longum.

  1. AIM’s Fit ‘n Fiber

It is a mixture of soluble and insoluble fiber that is considered a “prebiotic” that helps the heathy bacteria to grow in the intestines.  It is also great for people that do not get their recommended amount of daily fiber.   Studies show that it is important to have extra fiber to help remove the “die off” of the candida.  It can be taken by itself or mixed with herbal Fiberblend to enhance the health of the colon.       

  1. AIM’s Herbal Fiberblend

Yeast can be living layer upon layer of the undigested food in the colon. The Herbal Fiberblend cleans out each layer so the herbs (whatever you pick to kill the fungus and yeast) can get to the deep levels of yeast and fungus to kill it.  It is a combination of herbs that removes the toxins from the body, reduces transit time, kills parasites in the colon, and scrapes off the buildup of old fecal matter on the colon walls.

  1. GarlicAIM

It is known to have anti-viral, anti-bacteria, and anti-fungal properties.

  1. AIM’s PrepZymes

These enzymes work in several different ways.  They can be taken on an empty stomach  to help “eat” and digest the dead candida so they don’t rot and release toxins.  It can also “eat up” the toxins in the joints and muscles.   They can also be taken with a meal to help digest the food.

  1. Stevia

Stevia is a natural herb that is sweet, free of calories, taste much sweeter than sugar, and candida is not attracted to it.  It can be a substitute for refined sugar and chemical artificial sweeteners like saccharin, NutraSweet, or aspartame (which are all sweet poisons.)  Stevia is an extract that comes from the leaves of a South American shrub.

  1. Lots of Filtered Water

The body has to have water to deliver the nutrients to the cells and water to remove the toxins out of the cells.   Otherwise, they get trapped inside the body and cause more “detox” symptoms.  During times of detoxifying, it can be beneficial to drink a gallon of filtered water a day.  See the chapter in this book, Water Reduces Pain and Fatigue for more information.

This article was taken from the book,

Fibromyalgia and Fatigue:  A Receipt for Feeling Fit and Healthy, by Debra Pugh

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Author Information

Debra Pugh has a bachelor’s degree in Kinesiology, is a certified personal trainer, certified sports nutritionist, and public speaker.  She has over 30 years of experience in counseling people in Health and Wellness.   She competed in fitness competitions and is a National Champion and featured in many fitness magazines. Debra was in an episode of the popular number one watched TV show, BAYWATCH, and Christian TV show, CBN 700 Club.  She has had over 200 articles on fitness and nutrition published in magazines and newspapers.

Contact Information

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Book Information

To order a 270 page book at 20 percent off the retail price, go to

Debra’s 270 page book, Fibromyalgia and Fatigue:  A Recipe for Feeling Fit and Healthy can help educate people in how to improve their health, immune system, allergies, asthma, skin problems, arthritis, aches and pains, auto-immune problems, fatigue, PMS, headaches, memory problems, menopause symptoms, blood sugar, indigestion, healthy weight, and have energy.            

People can gain knowledge from over 40 different doctors, chiropractors, naturopathic doctors, and medical experts of some of the causes of health problems in today’s world which can help people to get to the root of their own health challenges.  They can learn about the importance of colon health, enzymes, hormone balance, detoxifying, exercise, improving the immune system, pH balance, sleep, drinking enough water, lymphatic system, and ATP–the source of energy.  People can learn about the dangers of candida, constipation, diarrhea, leaky gut syndrome, Lyme disease, parasites, and stress.

[i] William G. Crook, The Yeast Connection, (Professional Books, 1992), 17-66.
[ii] Christine Winderlin and Keith Sehnert, Candida Related Complex; What Your Doctor Might be Missing (Taylor Publishing Company, 1996).
[iii] Kaufmann, The Fungus, A20-A2.
[iv] Crook, The Yeast, 243-244.
[v] Goldburg and Trivieri, Chronic Fatigue, 216-217.
[vi] Teresa Schumacher & Toni Schumacher Lund, Candida, the Slow Killer (St. George, Health Concepts, 2001), 11.
[vii] Kaufmann, The Fungus, A21, 15-28.
[viii] Goldburg and Trivieri, Chronic Fatigue, 143.