Men’s Health
Ladies please do not dismiss this post as it has information to help you understand and be able to help the men in your life, spouse, parent, friend, family or neighbor.
Staying healthy should be a priority for everyone. Healthy eating and lifestyle choices, drinking the recommended eight glasses of water daily, supplementation and exercise, should be on our everyday agenda. Studies show that men are less likely to visit the doctor than women are, so ladies encourage the men in your life to get their wellness exams. All men aged forty or over should have a yearly rectal exam, during which the prostate gland is checked. If you experience difficulty urinating or notice an increasing trend toward waking up to urinate, consult your health care provider. This may indicate prostatic obstruction.
Another challenge that men face is andropause also called the ” male menopause”. While men do not face the end of fertility as women do, they too undergo hormonal changes at that time. This should not be taken lightly. During andropause, sex drive may weaken, anxiety may increase and depression and moodiness may accompany a sense of failure. These symptoms can occur because of falling levels of testosterone. The long-term effects of andropause can contribute to osteoporosis (bone loss), dementia, heart and circulatory problems. Circulatory problems can contribute to erectile dysfunction. The body needs proper nutritional support and exercise to make the change smoothly. Don’t wait for the symptoms, make steps towards good health today!
With proper diet, nutritional supplement and exercise most of the unpleasant side effects of andropause can be minimized if not eliminated.
Phyllis Lewis
About Me
I’ve used AIM products for years and it’s a major factor in my great health. That’s why I’m passionate about sharing AIM products with others. This is just a little about me that shows in the footer on every page and the About Me section on the blog.