Family Health and Fitness
Exercise and proper nutrition are crucial elements of a healthy lifestyle and should be practiced by everyone in the family. Regular exercise can help lower blood pressure, give you more energy, keep you fit and help you avoid serious illnesses. Exercise also reduces stress, anxiety and depression. Simply moving more during the day will let you reap the benefits of exercise. Start getting creative and make it more playful and fun. Get the whole family excited about becoming more active, burning calories and making memories at the same time.
If you are responsible for planning family time, be sure to include activities that promote fitness and fun. Bowling is perfect for days when you would prefer to be indoors. You can team up parents against kids or boys against girls and have a great time. Maximize the time and energy spent on fitness and family time by planning outdoor activities based on where you live and the seasons that you experience. Seasonal activities may include gardening in the spring, swimming in the summer, apple and pumpkin picking in the fall and ice-skating in the winter. The possibilities are endless so get creative and make it fun. Take advantage of the many health and fitness programs offered in your community. Children should be encouraged to play outside and engage in stimulating activities that move their bodies and their minds. Know that the best way of motivating the family to be active is by being active yourself and by providing positive feedback and support when they show interest.
Get the whole family excited about becoming more active, burning calories and making memories at the same time. Stay active, healthy and happy. Building a diet around whole foods, drinking eight glasses of pure water daily, and using AIM supplements will nourish cells to be their best.
Phyllis Lewis
About Me
I’ve used AIM products for years and it’s a major factor in my great health. That’s why I’m passionate about sharing AIM products with others. This is just a little about me that shows in the footer on every page and the About Me section on the blog.