Osteoporosis Awareness
Imagine what our bodies would look like without bones or with weakened bones. What would our posture look like? A good posture looks natural and relaxed. When you are standing up your neck should be in line with your spine, with your head balanced squarely on top, your shoulder blades set back and down, and your spine long and curving naturally. Bones are important to our body structure so it is important to maintain healthy bones.
Osteoporosis is a progressive disease in which the bones gradually become weaker and weaker, causing changes in posture and making the individual more exposed to bone fractures. This silent disease usually has no symptoms and goes undiagnosed until a bone suddenly breaks. The spine and hips are areas that cause most concern because hip fractures in older adults take a long time to heal and osteoporosis in the spine may lead to loss of height and curvature of the spine. Because of the differences between males and females, osteoporosis affects many more women than men. There are three basic types of osteoporosis. Type one is believed to be caused by hormonal changes, a loss of estrogen. Type two is linked to dietary deficiency, a lack of sufficient calcium and vitamin D. Type three occurs in men and women at any age and is caused by drug treatment for other diseases. If you have not accumulated enough bone mass during your childhood and early adulthood or if you lose it too quickly in later years, you are at increased risk of osteoporosis. Some research has indicated that high animal protein or sugar intake may cause an acid imbalance in the body, which the body tries to correct by releasing minerals from the bone, including calcium.
Keep active and exercise regularly. Reduce your intake of high sugary foods and balance your meals with alkaline producing foods such as fruits and vegetables. Make sure that you are getting the right kind of calcium with the correct balance of magnesium and vitamin D, which is necessary for the absorption of calcium. Building a diet around whole foods, drinking eight glasses of pure water daily, and using AIM supplements will nourish cells to be their best.
Phyllis Lewis
About Me
I’ve used AIM products for years and it’s a major factor in my great health. That’s why I’m passionate about sharing AIM products with others. This is just a little about me that shows in the footer on every page and the About Me section on the blog.