Respiratory Care
Breathing is essential for life. As you breathe, oxygen is taken into the lungs and released into the blood stream, where it fuels the production of energy that enables your body to function. It is important to protect our environment from pollution. Air pollution damages the lungs by causing irritation that leads to inflammation and the destruction of lung tissue.
Asthma is a lung disease that causes obstruction of the airways. Typical symptoms of an asthma attack are coughing, wheezing, a feeling of tightness in the chest and difficulty breathing. An attack can last a few minutes or several hours. There are two forms of asthma, allergic and nonallergic. Common asthma provoking allergens include dust, animal dander, pollen, mold, seafood, dairy products, nuts and tobacco smoke. Factors that can trigger nonallergic asthma attacks include adrenal disorders, anxiety, temperature changes, exercise, fear, laughing, low blood sugar and stress. A respiratory infection such as bronchitis can also provoke an attack. Make a note of the things that trigger your asthma attacks and then avoid them as best as you can. Also, try keeping a list of the symptoms that you experience. This can be very helpful to you and your doctor when creating an asthma management plan. If you live in a polluted area, monitor air quality and stay indoors when necessary. In the home, use air purifier or buy indoor plants such as dracaena, Boston fern or spider plant which create oxygen in the air and neutralize toxins. Guard against mold in your home by watching for leaks in the plumbing and the roof.
Do what you can to reduce air pollution, a healthy environment is important for good health. Building a diet around whole foods, drinking eight glasses of pure water daily, and using AIM supplements will nourish cells to be their best.
Phyllis Lewis
About Me
I’ve used AIM products for years and it’s a major factor in my great health. That’s why I’m passionate about sharing AIM products with others. This is just a little about me that shows in the footer on every page and the About Me section on the blog.