Skin Care

Skin Care


The skin is the body’s  largest organ and is very  important in maintaining  our good health. It serves as our first line of defense against invaders such as bacteria and viruses. With it’s many parts it can keep itself moist by producing oil, it can regulate body temperature by releasing water for evaporation and sense pain, heat or cold. Keeping your skin healthy will help to keep you looking and feeling your best.

Nutrition that works!A balance of oil and moisture is crucial for healthy, attractive skin. There  must be enough moisture in the skin cells, but there must also be enough oil to act as a shield to prevent excessive evaporation of moisture. The water in the skin cells keeps them plumped-up, healthy and youthful-looking. If the skin lose it’s  natural oils and moisture the skin will become very dry. There are actually two types of dry skin, simple dry skin and complex dry skin. Simple dry skin results from a lack of natural oils. Complex dry skin lacks both oil and moisture, and is identified by fine lines, brown spots, discolorations, enlarged pores and sagging skin. Dry skin tends to be dull looking, even scaly and flaky and develops wrinkles and fine lines. It is most common on areas of the body that are exposed to the elements, such as face and hands, but can affect the whole body especially in the winter. Dry skin can be caused by a poor diet, nutritional deficiencies,  exposure to sun, wind, cold, chemicals or excessive bathing with harsh soaps. Brush away dry skin. Dry skin brushing is a great way to give your circulation a boost and improve the look of your skin. Use a gentle cleanser and warm water when bathing because hot water removes your natural skin oils more quickly.

Rejuvenate your dry skin the natural way, drink a lot of  water and moisturize. Building a diet around whole foods, drinking eight glasses of pure water daily, and using AIM supplements will nourish cells to be their best.

Phyllis Lewis


About Me

I’ve used AIM products for years and it’s a major factor in my great health. That’s why I’m passionate about sharing AIM products with others. This is just a little about me that shows in the footer on every page and the About Me section on the blog.

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