Dads all over the world are working hard to support their family. Some are working so hard they sometimes neglect their health. This leads to a body that is weak and lacking the stamina to participate in activities at home. Dads need to be strong and healthy to perform at their best.
Most men enjoy an active lifestyle and would like to maintain such lifestyle as they age so here are 3 tips for men’s health.
1. Use powerful support for your frame-Men are naturally built with a bigger frame than women to carry more muscles needed for strength. Maintain a solid healthy frame. Feed your body for strength, size, endurance and maximum performance. The nutrients glucosamine and omega-3 fatty acids are essential for supporting your frame. Together they support joint health. Supplement with AIM Frame Essentials and AIMega. Do regular activities to strengthen muscles that support and protect the joints. Also, control your weight to reduce stress on the knees.
2. Get regular physical activity -Active men maintain better health. If nothing else buy a good pair of walking shoes and start walking. Brisk walking is one of the best exercises. When Exercising, it is important to drink water before, during and after exercise. The more active you are, the more water you will need to drink to keep hydrated. Hydrating the body keeps the prostate working efficiently and helps to eliminate toxins from the body.
3. Use natural options to protect your prostate-consume a diet that supports prostate health. Maintain a
whole-foods diet. Eat more fruits ,vegetables and legumes. Be sure to include foods that are high in zinc such as pumpkin seeds. It is believed that Zinc is required to nourish the prostate gland. Also, include lycopene rich foods such as cooked tomatoes, as studies suggest that lycopene lowers the risk of prostate cancer. You can also supplement your diet with AIM ReAssure SP. All men aged forty or over should have a yearly rectal exam, during which the prostate gland is checked.
Make a plan to start living well. Provide your body with the nutrients it needs to perform at its best so that you can maintain the active lifestyle that you desire. To all the dads, have a Happy Father’s Day!
I’ve used AIM products for years and it’s a major factor in my great health. That’s why I’m passionate about sharing AIM products with others. This is just a little about me that shows in the footer on every page and the About Me section on the blog.