Turning “OFF” Cancer With Nutrition

Turning “OFF” Cancer With Nutrition


In THE CHINA STUDY by T. Colin Campbell, PhD, many straightforward facts about “turning OFF” this dreaded disease, can be found.


* Gene related cancers account for only 2-3% of all cancers.

*  Despite strong genetic predisposition, cancer can be turned on and off by manipulating your nutritional composition

* Lowering fat-calorie intake  to below 30% of total calories and you lower cancer risk.

* Fat calories from plant based food sources (nuts, olive oil, avocados, etc.) decrease cancer formation risk.

* Lower blood cholesterol levels decrease cancer risk. Only animal foods raise blood cholesterol levels.

* Breast cancer can be lowered to near zero with certain lifestyle changes.

*  High animal food intake causes early menstruation.  Early menstruation place women at higher risk for breast cancer.

* Higher fiber intake was consistently associated with lower levels of cancer in many body parts – especially the colon and rectum.

* Antioxidant “pills” do not lower cancer rates, but plant-based whole foods do!

* Modern drugs have not been shown effective in treatment of most cancer patients.

* Higher amounts of protein in the diet are directly related to greater incidence of cancer in humans.

* Cancer cells feed, and multiply on SUGAR!


* A protein intake of no more than 10% of your total calories decreases your risk of developing cancer cells even when exposed to high levels of carcinogens.

* Plant foods, organically grown, unprocessed, eaten when fresh, eaten in large amounts is the best guarantee we have for total health with freedom from all diseases.  A high fiber diet (a clean colon) is essential for healthy, disease-free cells.

* Green and yellow foods decrease cancer cell growth.

* Without a doubt, animal foods in large amounts shorten our lives.

* Without a doubt, BarleyLife  is the single best antidote for any sick cell, including cancer.


About Me

I’ve used AIM products for years and it’s a major factor in my great health. That’s why I’m passionate about sharing AIM products with others. This is just a little about me that shows in the footer on every page and the About Me section on the blog.

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