Before finding the AIM products, I was spending hundreds of dollars every month on food supplements and vitamins. Nothing seemed to help. I was struggling with constant exhaustion, painful joints all over my body and continual bronchial problems. Even a strict raw food diet was not helping me.
I make no healing claims about any of the AIM products. But, my body is a living example of how much more nutrition is available in the AIM products. The AIM Products gave my body the nutrition that it needed to make some changes. At age 58, I feel better than I did in my 30s. My grandchildren use the AIM Products and enjoy energy and good health. What a thrill to see young lives being able to live life to the fullest……Sandy Combs
Cody, my 7 year-old son, had severe asthma , reading problems at school, and a respiratory system that was very vulnerable to allergies, colds, and coughs. I was recently amazed because he did not get the cough that was going around school, and he usually got every bug that was going around. His asthma was also much less of a problem. Plus, his school work had improved. He had been taking AIM Proancynol 2000, AIM FloraFood, and AIM BarleyLife for some time with these improvements, but the huge change in Cody’s health and school performance came when he added AIMega to the mix. I got him to swallow the capsules by daring him, saying that he was too little to swallow it. Cody will even asked for his AIMega. He feels the difference……Julie VanDeHey
Meeting Deb from Australia, who passed the 6 foot tape worm, has been something beyond exciting. She is a tiny, stylish thing now. She had been over 200 pounds before she got rid of the tape worm. Not only did she get smaller, but all of her health problems went away.
She told me that she took 2 tsp. of Herbal Fiberblend twice a day for 90 days before the worm made its exit. She described how a lump the size of her fist bulged out on her stomach the day the worm departed her body. At first the lump moved to her right–toward the appendix area where parasites love to hide out. Then it moved back toward her left side. She felt in go down the descending colon and thump at the bottom. That’s when she ran to the bathroom and the worm came out. She worked at a job that involved weights and measurements, so she is very sure that it was a minimum of 6 feet long–maybe longer. She said that it didn’t really hurt when it came out—lots of cramping and weird feelings. She was more upset to think that it was alive in her possibly fighting to not come out. It was dead in the toilet. But, she did see it’s head.
For some, Herbal Fiberblend is not the best tasting stuff–but who cares if it can give our bodies what they need to get get rid of parasites like this.