Relief from Fibromyalgia
This is the testimony of Lori L, who has struggled with Fibromyalgia since a small child. During the past few years, 80% of her Fibromyalgia symptoms are disappeared. Lori attributes this recovery to a change in diet.
The word fibromyalgia literally means pain in the muscles and connective tissues of the body. Most fibromyalgia sufferers report that they hurt or ache all over as if they continually had a bad case of the flu. This combined with other symptoms such as headaches, depression, bowel problems and fatigue comprise the syndrome referred to as fibromyalgia.
For me, the pain and fatigue were the most debilitating. I hurt above and below every major and minor joint. Also, almost all the traditional trigger points were painful including the base of my neck, my knees and my hips. There were other problems in my body also. I had been diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis (a disease of the colon) and had constant headaches. I was severely allergic to many foods, even reacting upon just the smell of a few of them.
These problems started when I was a very young child. I remember going to the doctor at age 7 with my mother. I was having constant headaches and just didn’t feel well. By high school, I was experiencing fatigue, body pain and migraines as well as other headaches. In college, these problems grew to include digestive problems, weight gain and eventually Ulcerative Colitis. By the time I was 28 years old, I was battling an ever-increasing list of food allergies, problems in many areas of my digestive tract, constant headaches of many kinds, pain and fatigue. I was also overweight and had acne.
I went to many traditional medicine doctors and specialists. They tried a variety of medicines including antidepressants (for sleep disturbances and fatigue) and painkillers, but neither helped much. A good chiropractor helped me get rid of the migraines but couldn’t help the other headaches, pain or fatigue. I had aqua-therapy, physical therapy, and counseling, but these didn’t help much either. I still hurt all over.
The answer to my deepest prayers came while riding in a van with good friends. They had been telling me about the AIM products and what it was doing for so many other people. They were convinced and eventually convinced me that a raw diet and active lifestyle change was what was needed for me to get well. While in the van on a 5-hour drive, they played a tape by Ron Wright, a founder of AIM. A few days later my husband and I both went “cold turkey” onto a new healthy diet surrounding completely raw foods and fresh juices. We borrowed a simple juicer and got a few ideas for creative raw food recipes from the Internet.
The first noticeable change in my body from the new diet was that my energy level increased. In fact, it was improved in the first week. My food allergies also started to disappear. I had battled them all my life and now I could eat a wider variety of foods. Next, my sinuses started to clear and sinus headaches went away.
I began to sleep better and the pain began to lift. My energy level continued to increase. After 4 months I was able to run part time for my morning exercise. I just felt so good. I was steadily losing weight and the pain continued to slowly lift. The pain, headaches and cramping from Ulcerative Colitis steadily declined.
After 16 months on the diet, the pain and fatigue from Fibromyalgia are 80% gone. My Ulcerative Colitis symptoms are 90% gone. All headaches except tension headaches have been eliminated as well as all food allergies, sinus problems, most skin outbreaks and all other problems in my digestive tract. I’m also 26 pounds lighter and am full of energy most days on less sleep.
I expect within the next year or less for all illness to be gone from my body. Also, I believe these symptoms will remain gone and my body will remain completely healthy as long as I continue on this new raw diet. What a joy to be healthy, energetic and to have my life back!
My diet includes 80% – 85% raw fruits and vegetables, plenty of fresh juices (mainly carrot juice), and Herbal Fiberblend and BarleyLife every day. If I’m away from my juicer I’ll also use Just Carrots instead of making it fresh. Some cooked food such as brown rice, steamed vegetables and good bread are eaten. My new active lifestyle includes getting lots of fresh air, sunshine and simple exercise.
BarleyLife is an essential part of my routine. It is a “whole” food, not a vitamin supplement and helps provide the body with more nutrients to heal and rebuild itself. In this time of pesticides and over-worked ground, BarleyLife is an easy way to ensure complete, pure nutrition.
Herbal Fiberblend is an all-natural fiber supplement with herbs. There is nothing like it. It helps to gently cleanse the colon and aids in detoxifying the body. It also soothes the stomach and digestive tract.