December 2011

Health Concepts Toni Lund 435-673-3855
NOTE: New e-mail [email protected]
Health is Wealth Teresa Schumacher 435-673-8848

December 2011

Where has the year gone. I can’t believe December is here already. Hope your year has been a good one. We have so much to be thankful for. We want you to know how grateful we
are for each of you. We have many AIM members that have been with us since we began our AIM business in 1984. Our lives have been blessed by the kind words, in calls and letters, that
we have received. We hope we have blessed your lives as you have blessed ours. We thank you for the blessed year we have had.
“Appreciation can make a day, even change a life. Your willingness to put it into words is all that is necessary.”
Margaret Cousins 1905-1996, Writer

Network marketing can be used for good or bad. It is a way to get your message out to the world. Social networking is a way we have seen messages spread like wild fire. AIM has been our networking venue for Herbal Fiberblend. It has been a blessing for us because without AIM, sorry to say, Herbal Fiberblend would not be the success it has been. It took a few that have shared with many to take AIM and Herbal Fiberblend where it is today.
(I know there are a few that have no idea what I am referring to; let me explain quickly. My mother, Teresa Schumacher, developed Herbal Fiberblend in 1987; AIM saw the value of the formula and incorporated it into their product line with Barleygreen. They became known as the dynamic duo. “Clean them out and build them up”)
We hope you are reading your AIM Living Well magazine. It is full of wonderful testimonials from people like you and me. It is nice to know that AIM is a company with great products that are helping so many people.
The cold and flu season is upon us. We hear how bad it is from the news media and if you happen to be one of the afflicted and visit the doctor, you will see the waiting room filled with sick people. When we have our home meetings we have a list of things to do if you found yourself ‘under the weather’. One of the biggest relaxers and way to expel toxins quicker, is to take a Ginger Bath. A hot bath is always relaxing, and with ginger added to the water it will pull
toxins from the body. I rarely fall victim to a cold or flu, but when I have the achy feeling I take immediate action. I fix my tub of hot water with Ginger and AIM’s Cell Wellness Restorer
and soak for 20 minutes. I put myself to bed rubbed down with Vicks and go to sleep. Put the Vicks under the feet too. Next morning, you never would have known I had something coming on.
In our books Cleansing the Body and the Colon for a Happier & Healthier You and Candida the Slow Killer, we have the recipe for Ginger bath. Depending on the size of the bathtub you will use 2-4 Tablespoons of Ginger. Use hot water to dissolve the ginger, then get the water warm enough to be comfortable. After you get into the tub, add hot water to raise your body temperature. It can be a little uncomfortable and you will be tempted to get out before the 20
minutes has expired, but it is important to spent the full 20 minutes to get the results. Continue adding hot water throughout the 20 minutes. Ginger can be purchased in bulk in most health
food stores. About $10 for a pound.
An AIM Member’s letter to Santa:
Dear Santa,
Merry Christmas!
The cold and flu season is just beginning, but I have had a cold and the flu already this season. I would like some AIM Herbal Fiberblend to get my bowels regular again, the Garden Trio, (BarleyLife, Just Carrots and RediBeets), to flood my cells with good nutrition and get me through the Winter.
Oh can you include some Proancynol 2000 to increase my antioxidant levels to fight the free radicals and give me a healthy immune system. I did so well last year while I was taking my AIM products. My Nutritionist said I would do well if I took CellSparc 360 with CoQ10 for heart health and GinkgoSemse to get the cobwebs out of the Brain. I have been having joint pain and I’m told Frame Essentials will help.
I don’t digest my food as I once did and I know Prepzymes can help me and yes I need my AIMEGA too. I love the CalciAIM for a soluble form of Calcium and Peak Endurance will give me extra B vitamins and electrolytes for cell function. I need FloraFood to balance my friendly bacteria, Heaven forbid they become unfriendly! And I can’t forget the Composure; life is giving me so much Stress, I need help!
Santa I know this seems like a lot, but my health is so important. I am no good to anyone if I don’t feel well. I will leave your favorite Vegetable Cocktail drink made with the Garden Trio, BearPaw Garlic and V8 juice. It will give you a lift to continue with your deliveries.
P.S. If yo have any room in your bag, I really would like some of AIM’s Daily Life Products. One more request, The little hand blender is so handy to mix my AIM products, Would you include a
Merry Christmas to you and Mrs. Santa Clause

“Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It
turns denial into acceptance, chaos into order, confusion into clarity. It turns problems
into gifts, failures into success, the unexpected into perfect timing, and mistakes into
important events. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today and creates
a vision for tomorrow.”
Melodie Beattie Writer

Order AIM products for your loved ones
Happy Holidays!!
Teresa & Toni

With the hustle and bustle of the season, We wanted to take time to wish you and yours a wonderful holiday season. May the Christmas season fill your hearts with joy. By request we are
reprinting this poem from last year’s newsletter.
Your up-line sponsors, Teresa Schumacher, Joe Schumacher, Toni Lund, Leanne Kuhlmann, Sherri McDonald Kurt Vanderslice, Kevin Lund and Amanda Lund,
We wish you a Merry Christmas and hope you enjoy this poem.

Twas the night before Christmas
Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house
Fit-n-Fiber was stirring, for even the mouse.
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care, In hopes that AIM Products soon would be there.
The children were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of Cellstar danced in their heads.
And Mamma in her depends, and I in my cap,
Had taken our Herbal FiberBlend before a long winter’’s nap.
When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from the bed to see what was the matter.
Away to the window I flew like a flash,
Tore open the shutters and threw up the sash.
The moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow
Gave the luster of mid-day to objects below.
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But the UPS truck, and eight carriers in gear.
With a whoop and a holler, so lively and quick,
They unloaded everything so you don’’t get sick.
More rapid than eagles, the boxes they came,
I’’d remembered my GingkoSense, so I called them by name.
““Now Cellsparc! Now Cranverry! Now Herbal Release!
On Prepzymes! On Florafood! On red RediBeets!
To the top of the porch! To the top of the wall!
Stack away! Stack away! Stack away all!
They spoke not a word, but went straight to their work,
And filled all the stockings, then turned with a jerk.
Then plopping the last AIM product down on the floor,

They gave a quick wink and fled for the door.
There was something for everyone to go all around,
Bearpaw Garlic for Grandpa’’s high pressure, we found.
There was Para 90 for Tammy’’s Intestinal Parasites,
And Cell Wellness Restorer for hot baths at night.
There was Frame Essentials for Uncle Fred’’s knees,
And for building great muscles, there were bags of Pro Peas.
There was RevitaFem for Aunt Cindy’’s hot flashes,
And Leaf Greens to give to the neighbors in masses.
There was CalciAim and Renewed Balance to make strong bones,
And for diabeties, there was a box or two of AIM
Barley Life, Just Carrots and RediBeets will turn your life around,
So to your comfy bed you won’’t always be bound.
Peak Endurance for those long shopping trips at the Mall,
And Prepzymes for the meals that are anything but small.
Taking AIMega and Cellsparc 360 for a healthier heart,
And Proancynol to build your immune system is pretty dang smart.
I quietly closed the front door and straighten the wreath,
Went up to my bedroom and took out my teeth.
I laughed when I realized my shopping was done,
Thank goodness for AIM, it was really quite fun.
I gave a great sigh and gave my sweet wife a kiss,
Now I could sleep rest-assured that no one was missed.
I heard the UPS guys as they drove out of sight,
Singing, ““Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good-night!””

By Leanne Kuhlmann / Inspired by Toni Lund 12-01-09