St. George, UT 84790 (435) 673-3855
TERESA SCHUMACHER (435) 673-8848
May 2012
Spring is my very favorite time of year. I love to get up in the morning and breathe in the fresh air. Fortunately, I
do not suffer from allergies. I love to see the leaves on the trees emerging and daffodils and tulips blooming. As
we were leaving last month for convention our rose bushes had so many blooms on them you can imagine the roses we came home to. One of the reasons my mother moved to Southern Utah was because of those roses. She came here in March and saw roses blooming where the day before, she left snow on the ground in Wyoming. She knew this was where she wanted to be. Sometimes you make decisions without giving it a second thought. Try to get her
to move on a decision today and she takes forever, but moving to Southern Utah was a decision she felt good about.
She bought a piece of land for a modular home. She left the home she built and moved without ever looking back.
Isn’t it funny how we have such a hard time making some decisions and make some without any hesitation. I am glad for that decision because St. George has been very good to us and our families.
We finished my mother’s autobiography last year and made a few copies to share with AIM member’s who are interested in her story. If you read the story in April’s AIM’s living Well magazine it will give you an idea what she has over come in her life. I also e-mailed it as a separate e-mail after last month’s newsletter.
AIM’s 2013 Sailabration was a new experience for seasoned convention goers. We had our sessions, but they were
short and not very many in our seven days. We had a lot of time to enjoy our cruise and our friends. Many of us had on board credit to use on such things as massages. Guilty. Weather prevented us from stopping at Princess Cays, Bahamas. Our other stops were Curacao, Antilles and Aruba. Both have Dutch influence and Architecture.
We had time to enjoy the pools, sunbathing and our balcony room with a sofa and 2 televisions. Mom was delighted to find a full sized bathtub. This was not our first cruise, but it was certainly the nicest room ever.
Next year they are bringing our AIM family home to Boise. Next year Herbal Fiberblend will be 25 years old. At ten years AIM crowned my mother Queen of Herbal Fiberblend. What plans will they have for 25 years? Will you plan to be there and meet the formulator of Herbal Fiberblend?
AIM introduced a great new product. Veggie D. If any of you ever made the vegetable cocktail drink in our book
Candida the Slow Killer you will find it tastes a lot like that. It has the tomato and other vegetables to taste like V-
8 Juice with the Garden Trio. It was very tasty. Another way for us to get our vegetables. The Key Benefits of Veggie D are: Vegan source of Vitamin D2. Whole-food source of vitamin D2 and lycopene. Each serving contains 500 IU of vitamin D2. Each serving contains 3.3 mg of lycopene. It can be mixed with all of AIM’s products and be effective (especially Garden Trio). Supports bone health and is complimentary to CalciAIM. Good
source of Potassium – 230 mg per serving. AIM certified gluten free. All ingredients are derived from natural sources with no artificial colors or preservatives.
Cranverry+ AIM’s reformulated product. CranVerry+ is a unique combination of cranberry extract with proven
benefits for urinary tract infections and three other active ingredients——resveratrol, mangosteen, and beta-
glucanase——that have been shown through research to effectively inhibit Candida infections. Each capsule of
CranVerry+ contains 500mg of cranberry extract, and all ingredients in the product are non-GMO. Helps in weight
loss and urinary tract infections. One capsule = 7 glasses of cranberry juice.
AIM GlucoChrom is a unique combination of trace minerals and herbs that increases the effective actions of insulin
and helps the body to metabolize carbohydrates and fats. Helps maintain healthy blood sugar levels. Increases lean
muscle mass and lowers body weight. Promotes beneficial effects on blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
Optimizes insulin usage. Curbs sugar cravings. Helps maintain a healthy lifestyle
Of course a convention would not be complete if the leaders did not touch on the business. This was AIM’s 30 year
celebration. How many Network Marketing companies do you know of that even get to ten years? I decided to
google a product I used several years ago where I saw some benefit personally. I was surprised to see that there
were the naysayers calling it a scam. The company is 5 years old and has a great product. I don’t believe you will
find the same scam results with AIM. They have never missed a commission check nor have they ever been late.
You can count on them. The products are cutting edge. Not a lot of products, but ones most important four your
In this month’s Living Well magazine is a contest as well a guaranteed way to increase your income, but only for a
limited time. Read all about it in your magazine or on line. AIM will also be coming out with the qualifications for
the 2013 Convention in Boise. We have yet to pay for a convention. I will say we do work harder to recruit harder
in the seven qualifying months.
I don’t visit the website very often except to change our AMR’s. There is a lot of very good information on the
website. Look up the benefits of the AIM products in the data sheets. Read through past articles in the Living Well
magazine listen in to archived teleclasses and webinars. At the convention we were introduced to AIM’s newest
way to educate us. The AIM Academy. You can educate yourself on the products and learn how to share the AIM
products. I thought there might be a charge for the Academy but there isn’t. IT’S FREE. There is no excuse to not
educate yourself. There is 125 pages of lessons, there are videos and audios and of course there are tests. When
you are done you will receive a certificate. I think I will do it to see what I don’t know. I might be surprised I don’t
know as much as I should. School was a long time ago. Time for a refresher.
I guess the highlight for my mother and I was a six-page testimonial hand delivered to her by an AIM Director from
one of her customers. She knew she was going to convention and wanted her to hand deliver it. Her name is Rita.
Her colon hydrotherapist recommended she purchase a container of AIM RediBeets from this AIM Director who own’s a health food store. She had been doing colonics for several months. The therapist did not approve of Herbal Fiberblend and never recommended it. This lady gave the AIM Director a brief history and she suggested the Herbal Fiberblend. She started taking it February 4th, 2012. Here is her letter.
April 16, 2012
Dear Teresa,
This letter comes to you with every heartfelt gratitude of my whole spirit for giving me my life back!! I
know if it weren’t for you I may have died or ended up in the hospital having surgery to remove half of my intestines and who knows what more?
I only discovered Herbal Fiberblend this year on February 4th, 2012 an it has been a long answered prayer on
more than 28 years and I am for the first time these past days able to function like a normal human being. It is
through Muriel McPherson that I so wished to have this letter personally delivered to you; as I wanted you to know
how many times I keep you in my prayers of gratitude for developing the ONLY product that has helped me in my
whole life!!!
I had always had a problem with elimination and constipation and was told that it ran in the family and so I
was resigned to the fact that it was just the way things were. I recall sometimes not going for days at a time and if I
got to go twice a week I thought I was lucky.
Fortunately, I always ate fairly well ( no fast foods or crazy diets) and have taken vitamin supplements all
my life, but in 1992 these symptoms of bloating and never being able to have a complete elimination; always
somehow feeling full and uncomfortable started my search for some relief or explanation to the cause.
Well discovering the reason was going to be a quest up until now that I have been trying ‘desperately’ since
2008 as I was so chronic by this time that it was impossible to work as I couldn’t make it through a full day. I was
barely eating but maybe one meal a day as the only thing I could tolerate was shakes with greens or some other additive to supplement my declining appetite. Liquids were my choice as then I didn’t have immediate pain of a
stomach expanding out to a pregnant woman’s belly of 5 months and the pressure of fecal matter building up inside
of me which never came fully out.
I am a woman of slight build and normally 112 – 124 weight range but in these last several years I ballooned
out around my middle and was so depressed as my clothes could not accommodate my tiny frame with such a
thickening from under my rib cage. I was constantly lethargic and each year it got worse and the days between a
bowel movement even more.
I went to see specialists before and had a colonoscopy, no one found anything other than telling me I had
IBS and that I should just take psyllium. The years drained by and I never felt capable of achieving much because
of the constant tiredness and knowing that the toxins in my body were contributing to the auto-intoxicant poisoning
me on all levels.
I tried flushes for all organs, I took pills of every kind to assist, I took herbs, 7 day cleanses, 14 day cleanses
and even up to 30 day cleanses and nothing helped me. I took speciality teas, etc. and I don’t think there isn’t a
product in the health food store I haven’t tried to clean up my system with for every existing conceivable reason that
was perhaps a hindrance for my incapability of elimination?
When I took the cleanses I actually got SO SICK I couldn’t walk or lift my arms and I felt worse and I was
so confused as to why nothing was helping me? I began to eliminate certain foods and I figured I was gluten and
lactose intolerant. I watched my diet to all various levels to see if it improved and knowing I am REALLY trying to
help myself figure this out since I am getting nothing from my doctors or anyone in the health field.
In the fall of 2009 I began Colonics which helped me to at least function to some degree as I was so plugged
up it became just a permanent chronic pain to live and I don’t need to explain to you all the symptoms that perpetuate to the body and further it in to decline.
I do know after reading your booklet Cleansing the Body and the Colon that I have had every symptom you
refer to but I never believed that I was so bad as some of the testimonials in the book…well boy was I ever wrong
about that belief, I was soon to discover!!!
I went once a week for several months for colonics but it is an expensive, time consuming and draining
thing to keep up with and so I stopped when I got to a decent level of functioning again comparative to previous
levels. Since the lady whom did my colonics was also an herbalist she helped with many ways to improve my diet
and so I did parasite and candida cleanses as well, since she discovered these through my sessions. I diligently tried
to follow as much as I could to help myself but again came upon complications and had to go back to colonics after
several months away.
This time we discovered long worms, some several feet long and figured them to be whip worms, so I went
on wormwood and teas to cleanse the blood, etc. I have discovered over the years that I have had at least 5-7
different types of parasites and worms. After weeks of this I thought I was ok when nothing more surfaced and so I
continued on a daily program for another year and a half watching and doing all the things I had done before to help assist my body.
I am a Reiki Master/Teacher and so through the years I have tried to help myself with the release of
whatever is in my mind to let go of the mental and emotional aspects that could also be a culprit to my elimination
problems. I have tried all kinds of healing modalities I could access to help myself to be rid of this debilitating
dilemma. I did Acupuncture, Ionic cleanses, Bowan Therapy, Reflexology, Massage and Chiropractic work to
assist my alignment of organs/bones; you name it I was on a mission to end this chronic cycle and I could go on
mentioning a long list of all the many other various things I have tried over the years.
This is to let you know to the extent I have tried to find the reasons and my searching for the answers.
A year ago the symptoms were still there and the difficulty resurfacing again and I would try to take double
espresso’s to shock my bowels into the peristalsis action but was disheartened to know that no matter where I went
for relief I never got it no matter what I did???
By January this year of 2012 I was in such a state of tears that I would lie on the floor crying for 9 days
without a bowel movement and begging for heavens mercy to help me end the misery and suffering I have had to
endure for sooo much of my life.
I again had to go to colonics to help relieve my pain as I couldn’t go on my own any longer and after a
month of taking liquid minerals as eating has become a painful ordeal by this time in my life I am at my wits end to
not understand why nothing helps?
I have been praying for years and know that I must also help myself and so I do believe I have been
REALLY REALLY trying for years now in every way conceivable. I take Hydrochloric acid to help break down
my foods. Acidophilus, etc. and again take food sources separately to allow me to digest and so my Colonic
Thereapist sends me to Murial McPherson to get some Beets and BarleyLife.
This is where my prayers are finally heard and answered…Murial talks to me and we discuss where I’m at
with my colon problems and she gives me a three day supply of Herbal Fiberblend to try. After 3 days I start to
eliminate black feces and a long thick worm so the next day I go to purchase this product because I actually had
three bowel movements in one day which is normally a weekly thing if lucky.
I take the daily 2 teaspoons to begin with for two weeks and at the end of that time I start to see some more
worms of 5-6 inches long and I then up the dose to 2 tablespoons and we begin to see my bowel movements happen
on a daily basis for the first time since never remembered. After 9 weeks of having regular eliminations now is the
equivalent of perhaps what I would have had in a whole year!!
After 18 days on this product I begin to pass worms every day some at 2 feet long, there is larva and so
much old black hardened fecal matter that one knows has been in the intestines for years. I begin to see all the
things that the people wrote of in your booklet and I can’t believe I am one and the same of what all the others saw
come out of the colon. There were large balls that looked like huge cysts speckled black and white and when torn
open were impacted with mucus and dozens of worms. I passed all sizes of worms twisted up on themselves.
Some as thick as fingers, black rope, black rubbery bulbous clumps, some more than 4-6 inches long and thick. I
have passed every conceivable size of worm from 1 inch to 3 feet long, all various thicknesses and coiled up in the
fecal matter, that when pulled apart was buried inside.
I was still taking colonics to help get this mess out of me quicker up until two weeks ago and I can’t even
say how many of the invading worms came out in those sessions as well but up until now I have kept a log of
everything that has been eliminated that I can SEE and I’m well past 16 feet of worms now at only 9 weeks into
I have seen some of the vilest looking worms with these huge sacks of mucus as wide as your palms attached at the ends with green slime and rubbery tissue that is impenetrable and these seem to be together with all of the largest 2 to 3 foot worms. I wonder whether this is where they lay their eggs?
I am astonished, repulsed and quite shocked by how my body has been able to survive with all the foulness
that has been eliminated. Some nights I would lay awake in utter shock by what I witnessed living and breeding
inside myself and cried by the horrendous amount of infestation that has taken place in my intestines??
I will not say that it has been an easy time to get rid of this and there have been days where I still have severe
cramps as all this tries to travel through me on it’s passage out; but knowing there will be an end in site is a blessing
that keeps me hopeful.
I now know to that this has been the reason for the numerous miscarriages I have had to endure because
there was barely enough nutrients for me to survive upon and what a horrible environment for a child to be growing
within. So there may be no children of my own in my life but I am glad to be living and to see the final end to this
unending suffering and torture of body and mind.
I finally have my answer to the problem that has plagued me all my life and I have been given THE
MIRACLE OF HERBAL FIBERBLEND and your divine help in making this product. THANK YOU FOR HELPING SAVE MY LIFE!!!!
I send you Blessings of Gratitude every day for helping me and so may others whom have discovered this
phenomenal product. I can’t express enough to you how happy I am feeling these days because I know my suffering will end
and I am now beginning to find the energy to live a normal, active and productive life. My mind and body aren’t so stressed
and taxed after having lived my whole life this way. It takes some getting used to the fact that this is the way it should have
always been and now I’m truly starting to see at how very low and debilitating levels I had gotten used to living in?
May others be so fortunate to find this product for their healing and well being and I will only say how indebted I am
to you and your blessing or this ‘lifesaving’ product!!! I will tell every person I know of this wonderful, amazing product
you created and spread the word.
I used to have brown eyes but now they have a distinct ring of deep blue surrounded by a pretty mix of blue/green
with a yellow sun flare around the pupil. A much clearer and happier vision to view the world with !!!!
Thank you, thank you, and thank you Teresa!!!!!
May you know a grateful heart lingers here always and God Bless you to the depths of my soul.
In Love & Light,
I AM …Graciously, Rita