Bird Blog #2… March 8, 2012

Bird Blog #2… March 8, 2012


So what is going on in my life? I had mentioned that we got a little puppy a few weeks ago, in fact it was 4 weeks ago…

One of our dogs died on Thanksgiving Monday last year and we have been enjoying the one old dog, Prince, who is left, but somehow we felt the need for a new dog. With the visit to South Africa happening in December, we knew that that would not be a good plan so we put it on hold, but over the time the three of us, My husband Richard and my daughter Caitlin, flip flopped backwards and forwards over getting a new dog… when one wanted the other 2 did not and then another wanted and the other 2 did not, but 4 weeks ago we went to pick up a puppy from the Humane Society! (My son Steven did not take part in this discussion as he is at university, but he was delighted to hear that we got a puppy).

We were going to call her Methuselah, but that would not be fitting for such a young lady. Ella for short did not go down well either.  So after several names like Mr Chow (when they told us she was a boy) and Gemma, Noodle and Chopsticks, we settled on Sheba. So Sheba she is… Sheba Scissors Bird! (Ask my daughter about the second name!)

The first thing we noticed about this little one is that she kept sneezing! So we started her on some silver water and BarleyLife of course, 3 weeks later she no longer sneezes! Praise the Lord. He created BarleyLife and it has been an asset in this family alone (pets and all… another story for another day!)

That first night we wondered what on earth we had done, but slowly we have found a bit of a routine with her and have made the necessary changes! She is just the cutest little ball of fluff  but also the biggest ball of energy! Poor Prince has been very patient, but every now and again when she gets a little too rambunctious; he has to set his boundary. She loves him a lot (especially his ears…. he is a Cocker Spaniel) but she is just too energetic for him! However… having a puppy in the house has its advantages… treats galore! Yes, we have given her treats to help her learn to sit at the back door, shake hands and generally not just do whatever she feels like doing! He makes sure he is right there ready to get his.

Every now and again I have to remind him that fairness is not that everyone gets the same but that all get what they need! This has to be done at lunch time when she gets a meal and he does not. But whether he understands that I am not sure!!??

So now we will be starting puppy classes so that we can be on the same page as far as teaching her is concerned and to make sure that we do not instil or allow any bad habits. Somehow God wants to teach me something through this puppy. Lord… I am listening… let me hear….

More next week… blessing you till then.


About Me

I’ve used AIM products for years and it’s a major factor in my great health. That’s why I’m passionate about sharing AIM products with others. This is just a little about me that shows in the footer on every page and the About Me section on the blog.

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