Persistent and Consistent #3 March 15
Well hallo!… another week has slipped by, half way through March and almost ¼ of the year is gone. So.. what have you done? I feel like I have wiped the floor more often in the last month than I have since we got this new floor last year. Sheba, who is growing in leaps and bounds, just loves to ring that back chime on our back door to ask us to go out. Then she runs outside for a few minutes and then wants back in. The result is that the floor constantly has foot prints on it. But hey… she is sitting down at the back door, and she stays and she is not jumping up to her food. That is something to celebrate!
So how did I do this? Certainly without Caitlin it would not have been possible, she is the one who has been training Sheba to go “down” and organised us with the same words, which she and Richard said are important. Sit, leave, off and okay. What a difference when we all use the same words. The dog is no longer confused and we can praise her for being a good girl without her jumping all over because we release her with the word “okay”.
That is what I learned this week… persistent and consistent. That is what I need to be… persistent and consistent, not only with the dog, but with EVERY area of my life: time with the Lord, exercise, eating healthy, training the dog, being kind to people no matter how I feel… persistent and consistent.
What does that really look like? Persistent and consistent I mean… it means that I do it every day and every time it is necessary. Even when I am feeling sick or sad or tired for very quickly the exception can become the rule. My friend Zig Ziglar (a motivational speaker) has taught me a lot about this. Check him out
So, I guess I am off to another week and ready to be persistent and consistent in all I do. When I am I find that I reflect more of Jesus and less of myself, and therefore I am quieter, kinder, more gentle…
Till next week.
About Me
I’ve used AIM products for years and it’s a major factor in my great health. That’s why I’m passionate about sharing AIM products with others. This is just a little about me that shows in the footer on every page and the About Me section on the blog.
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