Life Carries On… #4, March 22

Life Carries On… #4, March 22


Well, hi again… things have taken a turn in the last week. Our dog Prince, the almost 13 year old (30 March) started to pee blood! So off to the vet we go. The strange thing is that he does not seem to be in pain and when the blood and urine were tested, nothing untoward showed up. So he was treated as if he had a bladder infection.  For a day or 2 things seemed to be clearing up but then it looked as though things were getting worse and to crown it all, he looked really tired and weak.

So, what do I do? Well, the first thing I do is to pray about things, so prayed about Prince and then next morning, Saturday, I got this idea in my head. You see, 2 and a bit years ago Prince’s sister Lady, was diagnosed with cancer and we managed to get her in full remission through a change in diet and lots of BarleyLife. The cyst did not disappear, but it did not grow very fast at all. The vet and the stand in vet were most surprised. And when she did die, it was because of an aneurism.

Anyway, the thought I had was to give Prince lots of BarleyLife. I figured out that 4-5 teaspoons would do well for him based on what a person weighing 160 pounds would take if they had cancer and did not want to take chemo therapy or take it alongside chemo. So that is what I started and by evening Prince was looking much brighter.  Why am I amazed? BarleyLife is a superfood that helped me overcome my tiredness and helped me to not become diabetic.

By Sunday we were thinking that he was a new dog, he even went for a long walk with us in the evening! Thank You God for BarleyLife.  And of course little Sheba is growing… she seems to consume most of my time these days. She is a good girl but she needs time… time for me to play with her and brush her and keep her away from the things that she wants to get into.  I know that this time invested will be helpful, though it is hard. I am reminded of when I was a mother of young children and people told me to enjoy this as it passes all too quickly.  At that time you cannot see it, but now I know! So I know that being persistently consistent with her and being kind and gentle but teaching her and disciplining her will pay off, but I need to keep my eyes on the vision.

I popped in at the Bulk Barn today; they always have such great different foods and I found some Maca Root Powder. It looks interesting. I will tell you more about it next week.

Blessing you all till then… Bye… Barbara


About Me

I’ve used AIM products for years and it’s a major factor in my great health. That’s why I’m passionate about sharing AIM products with others. This is just a little about me that shows in the footer on every page and the About Me section on the blog.

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