Time marches on… March 29, 12 #5

So March is pretty much gone! Amazing how time marches on. This has been another interesting week. Sheba and Prince went to the vet for a check-up and final shots (for her) and she is growing well. 23 pounds now! She is getting really tall now and is smart… she can sit, go down, shake “hands” and stay; though the last one is really dependent on how she feels!
The lesson of being persistently consistent goes on for as soon as I lapse because I am tired or think that it will be okay to not do that, Sheba takes advantage of me! I guess if you look up persistent and consistent it means just to keep on keeping on, or to press on, not to give up, despite obstacles and to do whatever I need to do regularly, all the time.
Such is life, and despite all this I have to say that God is good. Prince was showing signs of still not being well, there was a ton of blood in his urine still but yesterday it started to clear up! I am so excited and praising God for He is healing him through the BarleyLife. I have been giving him 4 -5 teaspoons a day which is a lot of BarleyLife, but it has been helping him. I really want to see Prince stay alive for Steven’s return at the end of April however he is looking really weak these days. He is such a saint though despite Sheba sitting on him and walking over him, biting at his ears… she really likes him and will miss him when he goes.
Actually, that is another thing I am learning through my dogs… the more uptight I am the more mischievous they are, especially the little one, or young one I should say! She is getting really tall! And though she looks big and fluffy, you should see her when she is wet! Skinny! No easy task washing her either!
At the end of last week’s blog I talked about Maca Root Powder and did a little research on it… it seems to be good for a number of reasons. Check it out on this website http://www.macarootpowder.org/
I have been doing research on thyroid problems, I see that the maca root can exacerbate goitres (nodules on thyroids). So I guess I will not be taking it. I do not think that I have a goitre, but I do have thyroid problems. Despite the fact that I have many of the symptoms, nothing shows up on a blood test, this is what I am researching since this problem has come up with my mom and 2 sisters, now a niece and great niece and my daughter. I have a lot of reading to do!
Time is up! I will go now and write a bit more next week.
About Me
I’ve used AIM products for years and it’s a major factor in my great health. That’s why I’m passionate about sharing AIM products with others. This is just a little about me that shows in the footer on every page and the About Me section on the blog.
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