Remember the Little Things… April 5, 2012 #6
What a week it has been… very quick actually… but packed full of all sorts of things, each one designed to teach me to become more like Jesus.
Now there is a name that I love to hear… Jesus. What does He mean to you? He is my best friend and I love to meet with Him every morning, and if I have been thinking about Him and His word and His purpose for my life and how I can do what He has asked me to do, then He is faithful enough to put a song into my head when I wake up. Praise You Jesus. Oh the sweet sweet name of Jesus.
It is the little things that we are to be thankful for and notice… that is what God wants me to talk about this week. The little things done right, or the little things that are good, even if a multitude are wrong for horrible… think about the little things.
It is interesting how one tends to think of the horrible and the wrong far too quickly. I know that when I was growing up the good things and the right things were pointed out, but the wrong and the bad were pointed out too and often harped on more so than the right and good. Sadly I tended to do that with my children too, however, because of the grace of God, I have changed and my children have benefitted from the change. Thank you Lord. With this puppy now I have had a new chance at practicing my new habits with a young one.
So Sheba is a good girl, she sits at the back door when we let her in most of the time, she can do a few tricks such as down (lying down) stay, wait (to eat her food and not just jump all over and dive in, plus a few other things) and leave (if there is something that she is NOT to touch… ever (garbage!)
She does get over exuberant at times but if I can remain calm and gentle, then she calms right down too. And this morning she waited for Prince to finish his food before she licked his bowl. Such a wonderful thing to see, the consistency is paying off.
The other good news is that Prince is not peeing blood any more. I gave him lots of BarleyLife, and about 2 weeks later he stopped bleeding. He has also started barking again when he gets excited, and jumping up when he wants to be petted. He does not like doing that too much anymore, but then he is 13 years old now!
As for me, I realise, as I read this book about the thyroid, that I have low thyroid function and the only reason I am actually doing so well is because of the BarleyLife I am taking… full of antioxidants, which are necessary to help the thryoid to function better. I am grateful to God for BarleyLife for without it I would surely be a basket case.
God is so good and I am looking forward to the next week! Trust yours is good too. Let me know… B 🙂
About Me
I’ve used AIM products for years and it’s a major factor in my great health. That’s why I’m passionate about sharing AIM products with others. This is just a little about me that shows in the footer on every page and the About Me section on the blog.
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