Who gets the training? May 10, 12. #9 Tribute to Prince as well.

Who gets the training? May 10, 12. #9 Tribute to Prince as well.


It  is wonderful to be back. We had a great holiday on the ship and we totally relaxed. Something we have not done in a looooong time. There was no need to do anything! On the first day, before we had even set sail, we were eating some lunch, and a waiter came to take my plate. I had packed it up and handed it to him. He politely took  it and then tells me that he is working and I am on holiday and I must do nothing! So I took him seriously! I did no more clearing away that week.

The gentle rocking of the waves made me feel quite happy and I enjoyed it. I slept well and I did not feel sick. Thank you God for an amazing week away.  God was very good too in that He provided friends to be with Caitlin as she had to make the choice to put Prince down.  It was hard for us to be away and not with Prince and Caitlin at this moment, it happened just as we were boarding the ship, and it was hard for Caitlin to make the call, but she was brave and God provided support for her. We had hoped that he would still make it to see his Steven again. But he is out of pain now and Sheba has adjusted to being the only dog.

So what is all this about… who gets the training? Well, while we were away I was milling over in my mind what the puppy trainer had said about walking the dog and training her to walk by my side… heel. (Sheba is a strong dog and was making it difficult to walk her)  She had said that I must tie the leash around my waist and then walk around the house with Sheba and set up and obstacle course and get her to have to pay attention to my every move. Rewarding her regularly with words and treats when she is walking heel without any tension on the leash.  I could not see this helping and besides, the leash that I thought I should use was a little short and the other too long.

Anyway, like the squirrels, who when faced with a challenge, thought about this and how I was going to do this. Then finally last week Friday I started with this. It was not easy! I was getting dizzy going around in circles and all Sheba seemed to care about were the treats I had in my hand and she started a new behaviour of jumping up and trying to get the treats out of my hand.

However… with persistant and consistent in my mind, I went ahead again on Saturday. That was disastrous. You see… Sheba does not like men and children and one of the first things we come across is the neighbour and his 2 children on the front lawn! (Making Snitches from Harry Potter)  All she wanted to do was go in the opposite direction and I was supposed to walk in the opposite direction to her letting her know that I am the leader and she cannot just do what she wants!

Sunday was better… I went in the back yard this time but my pants got all full of dog fur!

Monday was even better… Tuesday better yet and Wednesday was really good. I did a shorter training part and did not try to get to the lake for free dog. (That is when she is allowed to sniff and stop and walk ahead a little but not pull.) Each day I seem to get better at it and that is why I say: “Who gets the training?” for I am the one who is establishing the habit and I have had to learn all sorts of new things. I have had to train myself not to do what I feel needs to be done, but to listen to what the trainer said.

Today, as I was musing to myself, I was thinking about the training and how it is going, and Ihave noticed how Sheba is a lot calmer in every area and she seems to have a greater respect for me. Is that not how it is with God, when He teaches us something and we respond and even though it may be something difficult for us to do? When we do it we get a greater respect and love for God. O God, help me to listen and obey and heed to your leading so that I may love you more.

More next week. Have a blessed week.


About Me

I’ve used AIM products for years and it’s a major factor in my great health. That’s why I’m passionate about sharing AIM products with others. This is just a little about me that shows in the footer on every page and the About Me section on the blog.

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