Holistic Approach to the Healthy Cell Concept

Holistic Approach to the Healthy Cell Concept








A Holistic Approach to the Healthy Cell Concept

by The AIM Companies

AIM Director Nancy Tam’s Water-Wise Garden won the 2014 National Environmental Achievement Award and the 2013 Keep Texas Beautiful Award. Whether she’s tending garden or nurturing her body with AIM BarleyLife®, Nancy keeps the Healthy Cell Concept™ in mind.

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“I work for a water district. We have a role in educating the public and city officials about water conservation. Ten years ago due to my passion for gardening, I had the opportunity to help my company by installing the landscape around a new facility. In order to save money and for educational purposes, I redesigned the landscape with water conservation in mind, so I used more drought-resistant and native plants. I created three different styles of garden: Japanese, hill country, and English. If I wanted people to copy my Water-Wise Gardens, I had to make them attractive and easy. So I made a datasheet that was like a recipe.

“The water-wise garden is totally organic, which makes sense. There is no need to use harmful chemicals. When you’re handling pesticides and herbicides, you can inhale the poison. If you touch them without gloves, they are absorbed into your skin and can negatively impact your body.

“Harmful chemicals in the garden are as dangerous as the harmful chemicals one can absorb through food. That’s why we go organic. Using organic products means less disease and fewer allergies. We should apply the Healthy Cell Concept to our environment in addition to our bodies.

“Back in ‘89, I got really sick with allergies from pollen and food. I had anemia, hives, migraines, and total fatigue all the time. I went for medical help. I’m a good patient. I did what they told me, but none of them put a focus on nutrition. A friend of mine asked me to see Loretta Shu (Chairman’s Club Director). I almost didn’t. I was so tired. When I met her, there was no sales presentation, just a nice friendly get-together. She told me about BarleyLife. That was a turning point for me.

“Gradually, I began taking BarleyLife on a daily basis. Every time I had the desire to drink a soda
or something else unhealthy, I drank BarleyLife instead. I didn’t expect a miracle to happen, but it did. In four to five weeks, my energy levels were better. It was both so sudden and so gradual that it took me awhile to realize that the BarleyLife was making a difference. One day I noticed that I hadn’t used my extra-strength aspirin in three weeks. I used to eat them like candies because my head hurt so much, but now all my symptoms were gone.

“After I regained my own health, I learned about the Healthy Cell Concept and other AIM products. AIM is so good about teaching health. In 2000, my fifteen-year-old son was diagnosed with a brain tumor. He went blind for six months. I was able to encourage him to incorporate the Healthy Cell Concept into his life and guided him to seek alternative health options whenever possible. He regained some of his eyesight, and his tumor went away. He finished high school and college and now owns his own business. The Healthy Cell Concept has impacted my family personally. Without BarleyLife, I wouldn’t have been able to do all things that I do with my career. Good health is really the biggest wealth because you can’t enjoy a good laugh without it.”

I am an independent distributor of Aim products should you want more information or wish to buy

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Products of the AIM Companies have not been evaluated by SAHPRA

 not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease or replace medical treatment.

· The products provide nutritional support and are not medicines.

· The writer is not liable for any error, omission or otherwise by the use of this information.

· Consult your medical doctor for all health problems.

Reprinted with permission of AIM International, Inc., Nampa, Idaho


Testimonials should not be construed as representing results everybody can achieve.






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– Release Date: 09/25/15

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I’ve used AIM products for years and it’s a major factor in my great health. That’s why I’m passionate about sharing AIM products with others. This is just a little about me that shows in the footer on every page and the About Me section on the blog.

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