Enjoy Your Food Again

Enjoy Your Food Again


AIM PrepZymes®

Enzymes are special proteins working throughout the body.  AIM PrepZymes® is packed with the enzymes you need to enjoy your food again.  Enzymes function as catalysts to initiate or speed up essential chemical reactions our bodies need to live.  They are like little spark plugs in our body’s engines.  There are thousands of different enzymes used throughout the human body.  The body produces many enzymes required from amino acids, broken down from the proteins we have digested or recycled in our bodies. We each make millions of enzymes every second and would die if we didn’t because they are needed for cellular energy and repairing all cells, tissues, and organs.

Digestive Enzymes

The body creates many of our needed digestive enzymes primarily in our mouth, stomach, small intestine, and pancreas, or we assimilate them when we eat raw foods.  As we age, our body tends to slow down in creating the needed quantity for optimized digestion.  Enzymes function at a specific pH and temperature per their design.  By regularly eating raw foods, we can get a good supply of dietary enzymes, but if most of what we eat is cooked, the enzymes are denatured because of the cooking heat and are no longer functional.    Enzymes are typically destroyed when heated above ~120°.  If you eat primarily cooked food, you should supplement your digestive enzymes to support your digestion and feel better.

PrepZymes® contains the following enzymes:

  • Protease I – For protein
  • Protease II – For protein
  • Papain – For protein
  • Lipase – For fat & oils
  • Alpha/Beta Amylase – For carbohydrates
  • Cellulase – For Cellulose – Plant fiber
  • Lactase – For dairy sugar – Lactose
  • Maltase – For grain sugar – Malt
  • Invertase – For sucrose/refined sugar

These are the enzymes you need for digestion. PrepZymes® Datasheet

Personal Experience

As a child, I never had any digestion issues, but I noticed as I got older that certain foods didn’t always sit too well.  I have always enjoyed a wide variety of food, but dairy products (like milk and ice cream) and greasy food later at night began to hurt.  As I aged, I would get some cramping or feel bloated and gassy.  I tried PrepZymes® and found I could eat those foods again without discomfort.  I use PrepZymes today whenever I plan to enjoy one of those foods or eat a meal in which over half of the food is cooked.  You may not have the exact same issues that I had, but PrepZymes® may be just what you are looking for.  It has been an excellent supplement for me.  It can help you enjoy your food again.


Get your PrepZymes® and enjoy your food again!

Order PrepZymes®

Order PrepZymes® by the 6-pack for more savings


For More Information

I would love to visit with you if you would like more information on this or other AIM products.  1-800-318-2462

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*This page contains copyrighted materials and/or trademarks of AIM International, Inc.  All names, information, graphics, logos, etc. related to AIM products and programs are the property of AIM International, Inc. and is used with permission.
About Me

I have been using the AIM products since 1989 when my father introduced me to them while I was still in High School and have been enjoying the benefits of the good nutrition ever since.  My wife started enjoying the nutrition benefits just before we were married back in 1993.  My children had the great nutrition provided through BarleyLife starting in a bottle as infants.  Once you experience good nutrition, you won’t want to go back.  The AIM products deliver nutrition that works!

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