Urinary Tract Health with CranVerry+

Urinary Tract Health with CranVerry+



Improve your urinary tract health with CranVerry+®.  Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are trouble for many people.  UTIs can bring pain in the lower abdomen and back and usually make you feel like you need to urinate.   According to the Urology Care Foundation, about 60% of women and 12% of men will have at least one UTI during their lifetime.  CranVerry+® can help not only women with UTIs but men as well.


CranVerry+® is packed full of cranberries.  One serving of CranVerry+®  (2 capsules) contains cranberry extract equal to over 2 cups of cooked cranberries.  That is 500 mg of cranberry extract, which is derived not just from the flesh of the cranberry but from the skin and seeds as well.  Cranberries have long been recognized as a help in urinary tract health.  They contain flavonoids that have a stick-free effect on urinary bacteria, which can help prevent pathogens from adhering to the walls of the urinary tract.   Cranberries, all on their own, are great for urinary tract health.  CranVerry+® has not only cranberries but also three additional ingredients to support our urinary tract health further.

  • Beta-glucanase – Breaks down the slimy protective shield, known as biofilm, around bacterial, yeast, and fungus communities.
  • Resveratrol – Inhibits the formation of the bacteria’s biofilm and acts as a defense against oxidative stress in the body.
  • Mangosteen – Helps maintain a healthy bacterial balance and acts as an antioxidant compound.

Support your urinary tract health with CranVerry+®. Take a look at the Data Sheet here.


Get started with CranVerry+® for your urinary tract health today!

Order CranVerry+®

Order CranVerry+® by the 6-pack for more savings


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About Me

I have been using the AIM products since 1989 when my father introduced me to them while I was still in High School and have been enjoying the benefits of the good nutrition ever since.  My wife started enjoying the nutrition benefits just before we were married back in 1993.  My children had the great nutrition provided through BarleyLife starting in a bottle as infants.  Once you experience good nutrition, you won’t want to go back.  The AIM products deliver nutrition that works!

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