Lose Weight With AIM Products

Lose Weight With AIM Products


You can lose weight with AIM products!

We all would like to keep our weight in a healthy range.  For many people, it didn’t take any thought to maintain weight as a kid, but is more challenging as they get older.  With AIM’s healthy cell concept, we look at the whole person at a cellular level.  Each of us are made up of trillions of cells.  Our health depends on the health of each of our cells and involves attitude, food, exercise, environment, and protection.

I graduated from high school at around 200 lbs.  Over the last 30+ years, I had grown to a well-rounded 325 lbs.  I decided a couple of years ago that it was time to take my weight back down to be healthier and mobile enough to do things like get on the floor with my grandkids.  Through some regular activity/exercise, AIM’s products (I will speak a bit more on below), eating less sugar, and some time-limited eating, I have come down to 250 lbs. over the last 2 years.   I didn’t put on the weight overnight, so I didn’t expect I would take it off overnight.  I am working my way down to 225 lbs. (100 lbs. from where I started) over the next year.  If I can do it, you can, too.

AIM has some great products to help feed the cells properly for a healthy weight.

Fit ‘n Fiber® – Fiber fills you up without filling you with excess digestible calories.  Fiber both helps scrub your colon to keep digestion moving and feeds our good bacteria.  AIM Fit ‘n Fiber® is an ideal fiber for weight loss.  It contains no artificial ingredients or flavors and delivers 10 grams of fiber through a great-tasting orchard peach beverage mix.  It also supports digestive health with regular bowel movements, so you don’t carry extra weight around in your gut.  Fit ‘n Fiber® datasheet

ProPeas® – It also contributes to the feeling that you have had enough to eat.  It is also essential to building lean muscle.  You can get it through meat, but meat is generally higher in fat as well.  AIM ProPeas® provides a low-fat protein option from peas. ProPeas® datasheet

GlucoChrom™ – Finally, Chromium helps maintain healthy blood sugar levels.  It is an essential mineral that enhances the action of insulin to uptake glucose from the blood into the cells.  Using insulin more efficiently can reduce the amount of insulin that is required to reduce glucose levels in the blood, which in turn can reduce the opportunity for insulin resistance.  AIM GlucoChrom™ is formulated with a non-synthetic, highly bioavailable source of chromium. GlucoChrom™ datasheet

AIM packs all three in a convenient weight loss pack containing 2 – ProPeas®, 1 – Fit ‘n Fiber®, and 1 – GlucoChrom™.

Order Yours Today! 

To learn more.

If you would like to learn more about weight loss, see AIM’s Weight Loss Guide

If you would like more information on AIM products, or ideas on how you might be able to lose weight for the long run, feel free to give me a call.  I would love to visit with you on the subject.  1-800-318-2462

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*This page contains copyrighted materials and/or trademarks of AIM International, Inc.  All names, information, graphics, logos, etc. related to AIM products and programs are the property of AIM International, Inc. and is used with permission.
About Me

I have been using the AIM products since 1989 when my father introduced me to them while I was still in High School and have been enjoying the benefits of the good nutrition ever since.  My wife started enjoying the nutrition benefits just before we were married back in 1993.  My children had the great nutrition provided through BarleyLife starting in a bottle as infants.  Once you experience good nutrition, you won’t want to go back.  The AIM products deliver nutrition that works!

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