Improve Your Prostate Health

Improve Your Prostate Health


AIM ReAssure® SP

Improve your prostate health with ReAssure® SP.  It is a dietary supplement that combines saw palmetto berry extract, pumpkin seed oil, zinc citrate, and lycopene from tomato extract.

As men and women are different, so are their health needs.  One concern exclusive to men is their prostate.  As men age, the prostate often grows.  An enlarged prostate can result in various difficulties with urination and is tied to cancer challenges.  Men in their early 50s may start to experience challenges due to inflammation of the prostate gland, often referred to as BPH (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia).  It is simply a non-cancerous prostate enlargement.  According to the Cleveland Clinic, 50% of men will experience symptoms by the age of 50.  By the age of 60, a whopping 80% of men experience these symptoms.


Saw Palmetto has been used for general wellness for several hundred years.  Many men have experienced it to help with urinary challenges and frustrations.  According to Mount Sinai Hospital, “When the prostate gland is enlarged, men may have trouble urinating.  Some studies show that saw palmetto is as effective in treating symptoms as finasteride (Proscar) without side effects, such as loss of libido. Other studies suggest that saw palmetto may actually shrink the size of the prostate gland.”

Pumpkin Seed Oil is another extract that can be helpful with the prostate.  Pumpkin seed oil is well known for its inhibition of 5-α-reductase, which can be helpful with the prostate.  According to the National Library of Medicine, studies show that “it could be suggested that pumpkin seed oil and saw palmetto oil are clinically safe and may be effective complementary and alternative medicine for BPH.”

Zinc Citrate and Lycopene round out key ingredients in AIM ReAssure SP to support the prostate.  Zinc Citrate is often found in higher amounts in healthy prostates.  Lycopene is an antioxidant.  It protects cells from free radical damage.

This combination of nutrients can help:

  • Relieve the symptoms of BPH
  • Support urinary health
  • Maintain urinary flow

ReAssure® SP is packed with the nutrients men need for their prostate. ReAssure® SP Datasheet

Personal Experience

I use ReAssure® SP every day.  As I got older I noticed I was getting up to go to the bathroom more in the middle of the night.  It was annoying.  As I am only in my early 50s, I really didn’t think I should have to deal with that yet.  I started taking ReAssure® SP a little over a year ago, and I have found that I rarely need to get up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom anymore.  ReAssure® SP has been a great supplement for me.


Improve your prostate health today!

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For More Information

Improve your prostate health with ReAssure® SP.  If you would like more information on this or other AIM products, I would love to visit with you.  1-800-318-2462

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About Me

I have been using the AIM products since 1989 when my father introduced me to them while I was still in High School and have been enjoying the benefits of the good nutrition ever since.  My wife started enjoying the nutrition benefits just before we were married back in 1993.  My children had the great nutrition provided through BarleyLife starting in a bottle as infants.  Once you experience good nutrition, you won’t want to go back.  The AIM products deliver nutrition that works!

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