Jesus Our Healer: Psalm 103:1-3

Jesus Our Healer: Psalm 103:1-3


Psalm 103:1-3  BLESS the LORD, O my soul; And all that is within me, bless His Holy name. Bless the LORD, O my soul, And forget none of His benefits; Who pardons all your diseases.

Jesus is our healer and He is also the one that promises to give wisdom when we ask Him.  God created our bodies to be self healing given that we are wise in putting into our bodies the proper nutrition.  He put into plants phytochemicals that are able to help our bodies do what they were created to do.  Take BarleyLife, for instance, it has chlorophyll which has been studied for its potential in stimulating tissue growth and in stimulating red blood cells in connection with oxygen supply. It has been found that there is a remarkable similarty between chlorophyll and the red pigment in the blood.  BarleyLife  also has Lutonarin and Saponarin, vitamin K1, Superoxide Dismutase (SOD), Beta-carltene, and Folic Acid.  These are a few of the phytochemicals that the Lord put into the barley grass to help our bodies to accomplish what they were attended.