Low Vitamin D and Low Birth Weights?

Low Vitamin D and Low Birth Weights?


http://www.nutraingredients.com/Research/Low-maternal-vitamin-D-again-linked-to-low-birth-weights-Study?utm_source=copyright&utm_medium=OnSite&utm_campaign=copyright. In this recent publication, it is suggested that women with low Vitamin D levels in the first trimester tend to have babies with a lower birth weight. Babies born with a lower birth weight are at risk for increased chronic illness, such as, heart disease and diabetes. This article could be very beneficial to mothers expecting.  Encourage them to get adequate sun light when the weather conditions permit and to try Veggie D supplementation. This plant based substitute is a good source of Vitamin D 2 and will help protect mother and baby.

Low maternal vitamin D again linked to low birth weights: Study


Women deficient in vitamin D early in their pregnancies are twice as likely to deliver babies with lower birth weights, say researchers.