Home Schooling High School!

Home Schooling High School!


Hello!  Renee Grainger here.  Today I want to let you know what I am up to.  I am finishing up this year’s home schooling of my youngest son Morgan, who is in his junior year of high school.  Having a student who has been home schooled all his life has made it easier for me because he works great by himself so I have less to do than when he was younger.  Morgan is also a great student so I do not have to be there constantly.

My husband Frank and I have been home schooling since our first was born back in the 80s. We have five children and have home schooled them all through birth till high school graduation, and Morgan will be no exception.  I will be teaching him next year till the end when we graduate him from our home school.

We gave our home school a name which is Wisdom’s Gateway Prep School.  I decided on this name because that is what I intended to impart to my children.

Frank and I have always shared in the education of our children.  When they were all young he taught the older ones and I taught the younger ones. Now with only one left Frank teaches Scott Forsemen’s Advanced Math and Apologia Physics.  Last year when Morgan was taking Apologia Chemistry I tried to teach it to him.  Fortunately, I started school really early that year and after the first chapter which took over a month to complete, I ran to Frank and asked him to take over the teaching of Chemistry because at the rate I was going I wouldn’t be done with it for two years.  This was unacceptable to both or all three of us.  So I planned Chemistry and did the experiments with Morgan and Frank did the teaching.

Morgan is actually my first for me to teach in high school.  When we started high school together I was scared because I did not want to mess up his education and cause him to have to think or be less than he was created to be.

Happy Home Schooling!

Blessings on you all,

Renee G.  KC Barley Lady