Magnesium, Do you Need It?

Magnesium, Do you Need It?


I received  my Mag-nificence on March 19th a few minutes before I was to have a teleclass on the product.  AIM Director Ron Murry hosted the teleclass.  As he was talking I was looking over my new bottle of Mag-nificence.  He said to shake it up so i did.  While he continued to talk I squirted some of the gel onto my hand and rubbed it onto my sore neck and painful shoulder.  Within a minute or less I could feel my muscles relax and the seemed to just fall away.  I realy enjoy Using the Mag-nificence.  I use it on my face and shoulders after my bath.

My son Morgan also uses the Mag-nificence on his face and the dark scars from previous acne breakouts turned pink and have disappeared all together.

I hope this article helps you understand more about magnesium  deficiency and the possibility of what it might do for you.

Blessings to you.

Renee Grainger the Barley Lady

How to tell if you need more magnesium


Magnesium’s function in the human body is vast—everything from electrolyte maintenance to metabolism to heart health and so much more can be traced back to magnesium. The new AIM Mag-nificence™ can help create a body in balance and lead to improved health in a number of areas.

How can you tell if you need more magnesium? Without a definitive test for magnesium deficiency, the best option is careful self-examination of your diet and lifestyle. Answer the following questions to see where you stand.

Do you regularly drink dark-colored soft drinks?

The phosphates in these sodas bind with magnesium and hinder its efficacy.

Do you eat sweet foods and desserts on a regular basis?

Refined sugars rob the body of vital nutrients, including magnesium.

Are you constantly under stress?

The body uses magnesium to counter emotionally stressful situations.

Have you recently undergone a major medical procedure?

Like emotional stress, physical stress takes a toll on the magnesium reserves in your body.

Do you drink coffee, tea, or caffeinated beverages daily?

Caffeine causes the kidneys to release extra magnesium.

Do you take prescription drugs?

Certain diuretics, heart medications, asthma medications, birth control pills, and estrogen replacement therapies may cause magnesium deficiency by way of excess kidney filtering, similar to caffeine’s effect.

Do you drink more than seven alcoholic beverages per week?

Like caffeine and prescription drugs, a high intake of alcohol can cause the kidneys to over-excrete magnesium.

Do you take calcium supplements without a proper ratio of magnesium supplements?

Magnesium and calcium work hand-in-hand, but when the amount of calcium greatly exceeds that of magnesium, the imbalance can hinder magnesium absorption and retention.

Do you experience neurologic or neuromuscular symptoms?

Neurologic symptoms may include anxiety, restlessness, or sleeplessness; neuromuscular symptoms may include spasms, cramps, and tics. These signs could hint at magnesium deficiency since magnesium plays an important role in the health of the neurologic system.

Are you over the age of fifty-five?

Aging, stress, and disease all contribute to lower magnesium levels.

To meet your magnesium need, consider the Mag-nificence family of products —three new applications: bath crystals, spray, and gel, plus traditional AIM Cell Wellness Restorer™ bath additive.


I re-energized my cells with AIM Mag-nificence™

Director Melissa Dobney from Adrian, Oregon

I have a trigger point along the right side of my neck down to nearly my shoulder. It gives me electrical, shooting pain. I had a treatment for it thirteen years ago—a steroid injection—and that was the only thing that has given me relief … until Mag-nificence.

The last two years, when the pain started coming back, I would just go with it. But when the Mag-nificence products came out, Director Ron Murray suggested I put it on there. The pain went away almost immediately. Now, it’s very infrequent, and if it does bother me, I’ll simply put on more Mag-nificence.

When I’m at home, I use the Mag-nificence gel and rub it onto my shoulder. If I’m out and about, I’ll use the spray.

For my face, I’ll spray the magnesium spray on and then apply the magnesium gel. I can feel it tighten up my skin.

I had a dark scar on my leg from a spider bite, and with Mag-nificence, the scar is lightening up and thinning up. It’s been a remarkable visible change. The scar even had a big indentation because of tissue death, and now it’s almost even with the skin.

I you want more information you can contact me Renee Grainger at 1-816-318-8971 or email [email protected] .  You can also contact AIM for more Information a