TOPS Program Get Moving

TOPS Program Get Moving


Today was my TOPS support group meeting and because I am the Co-Leader of the group I got to read the minutes of the last meeting and be the acting secretary.  I only had two corrections, the first one was that Eva Davis, our best weekly loser, had a loss of 5 1/4#s not 5 1/3#s.  I guess I made a typo.  The other error was on the wedding anniversary for TOPS Member Lillian and her husband Jewel.  I put in the minutes they had been married 60 years.  The correct number is 61 years.  Just want to interject a congratulations for their commitment to one another.

I gained a pound and a half which makes me over my goal weight but still in leeway. I am glad I am in leeway but sad I am over my goal weight.  My goal for this week is to get back down at or below my goal weight.  I will get my husband Frank to help me. He has been great help but I guess I faltered this week.

Each week we either have a program or a discussion at TOPS. This week I did the program and it was a combo of a few TOPS programs from the TOPS Magazines and the TOPS Real Life the Hands-on Pounds-off Guide,  Leslie Sansone, and AIM’s Healthy Cell Concept:  Cell Exercise.  This fulfills the required TOPS program for the summer program of doing one TOPS supported program each month.  I may do the one in July only on Cell Food.

In my program I explained that moving your body is good for you.  Doing something is better than doing nothing at all. I told them that if you have not exercised in a long time your goal may be to just walk down to the corner and back for a few days and slowly increasing your distance.  I also showed my TOPS friends how to do some Stretchie Band exercises.  One of the ladies asked where to get the Stretchie Bands.  You can get the bands at Target, sporting good stores, or Walmart.  They come in a variety of names Resist-A-Band is one and TOPS uses the Thera-Band stretchie band but there are others.  Leslie Sansone has resistant band workouts in some of her DVDs.  I had a door prize drawing for one resistance band and Dorthy Young was the one who was drawn.  Congratulations Dorthy!

We all need to move these bodies or they will not work very efficiently.  So be good to yourself and move those muscles.

Have a great time moving.  Good Day and God Bless,  Renee Grainger