My Busy Healthy Life Cleanse Week 7

My Busy Healthy Life Cleanse Week 7


Saturday was the beginning of the 7th week of My Busy Healthy Life Cleanse. I actually didn’t officially start it until in the afternoon on Sunday because I didn’t know how to reintroduce the foods back in to my eating. I want to reiterate that you have to plan plan plan and prepare prepare prepare for this or any other cleanse for that matter. This step is very important because you will either starve like I did one day or you will just give in and eat whatever you can get your hands on no matter what it is. So please please plan and prepare for your My Busy Healthy Life cleanse. It will make everything go much smoother and easier than it has for me.

Well enough of my preaching. I am here to let you know the first food I added back into my diet is cheese. I went to the HyVee and I bought some Organic Valley raw cheddar cheese. I had a small amount on Sunday on my salad and I was okay. The next day which was Monday I had some at lunch and some at dinner about 2 ounces total for the day. Monday night I went to bed and I had buzzing and ringing in my ears especially in my right ear. I am sad because I really love cheese but I don’t love ringing buzzing ears so I will have to let it go out of my life L.  So today I am back to 75% raw and 25% cooked and my 100% raw to help me get back where I was.

The next thing I reintroduce will be grains and probably wheat. But I will let you know how that goes.