Debra Pugh: From Chronic Pain and Fatigue to Health and Wellness

Debra Pugh: From Chronic Pain and Fatigue to Health and Wellness


AIM Testimony of Debra Pugh

From Chronic Pain and Fatigue to World Championships

Through God, the AIM products, exercise, and a healthy lifestyle, I have been able to be pain free of the daily aches and pains, chronic fatigue, eczema, asthma, irritable bowel syndrome, allergies, and chronic sickness for many years.  The AIM’s  products allowed my body to heal and improved the quality of my life!

Childhood Sickness

As a baby I was sick every month.  During elementary age through my early 20’s, I suffered from chronic strep throat, ear infections, tonsillitis, sinus infections, bronchitis, eczema, and allergy problems.

As a teenager, I started experiencing daily pain in my shoulders, neck, and back and it continued as an adult, but with each passing year the fatigue and pain increased. In my mid 20’s the doctors finally diagnosed me with Fibromyalgia (FM).  Some doctors classify FM as a type of arthritis and other doctors classify FM as an auto-immune disorder, but either way, it still causes pain in the muscles, ligaments and tendons combined with chronic fatigue.

Debra with her kids, (photo, Patrice Bowers)

Medications not Work

I took many of the medications that the doctors suggested but some of the side effects were worse that the FM itself.  The doctors that specialized in FM said there was no medical cure for FM, but they could give me medications to take an edge off the pain and fatigue, but it would only work for a couple of months, and I would have to start experimenting again.  I felt like I had the flu 24 hours a day 7 days a week.  Due to some of the medications I was taking, I had to have my liver checked to make sure the medications were not damaging it.

By my mid 20’s I was already experiencing being overmedicated.  We wanted to start a family, but the doctors said I should not take the medication while being pregnant.  I had to ask myself, “If the medication was not safe for my baby, then why was it safe for me?  If I started taking these medications while I was in my early 20’s, what would my organs be like by the time I was only 40 years old?”

I started praying and searching for a natural remedy for relief of my back pain, fatigue, and other health problems.   I knew I was not healthy enough to carry a baby.

AIM BarleyLife

The first thing I noticed after drinking AIM’s Barley juice was that I started sleeping through the night.  (I was waking up 6-8 times each night).  Of course, this decreased the fatigue I was experiencing during the day.  I seemed to be in a “fog” most of the day with thinking, but after drinking the Barley, I soon began to think more clearly. When  I started drinking the Barley two times a day, I no longer felt sleepy in the afternoons.

The Barley juice fed my cells good and healthy food.  My cells utilized the high quality and good nutrition from the barley juice and rapidly started to repair and recover from many health problems.   Soon I had the energy to exercise.  BarleyLife has many amino acids which is needed to repair the muscles after each workout.  The back pain I was experiencing started diminishing, along with allergies, eczema, asthma, fatigue, and irritable bowel symptoms.

AIM’s Herbal Fiberblend

I soon started taking AIM’s Herbal Fiberblend. It is a combination of fiber and herbs that kill parasites in the intestines, and other herbs that scrape out the dead parasites and undigested food.  The pain and fatigue of the fibromyalgia diminished even more.  The eczema and allergies disappeared as well as the irritable bowel symptoms.

I wouldn’t be without the Herbal Fiberblend for it keeps my intestines healthy with killing parasites and cleaning out toxins.  The fiber is also a “prebiotic” which is food for the good bacteria.

With my health improving, I felt like I had a second chance in life.  I was no longer a prisoner to my body and felt like I could do anything that I wanted to do physically.

I decided I wanted to start competing in sports again. But the question was, “Could I compete in sports at the age of 32, after having 2 children, 30 pounds overweight, and FM?

Debra, 34 years old, scaling down the 15′ cargo net

Weight Loss and Fitness Competitions

I used the AIM products to help me lose the 30 pounds and to regain my strength, speed, and quickness.  I entered fitness competitions that had an obstacle course and each competition had 100 girls competing and most were between 18 to 22 years old.   The fitness competitions were held in California, Texas, Florida, and Ohio.  At 35 years old, I found myself faster than the younger girls and I placed in the “Top 5” in nine competitions and won the obstacle course two times.  I won the Texas Galaxy competition and placed 2nd in the Galaxy World Championship.

After competing in the Galaxy, I started taking karate with my kids.  At 40 years old, I received my “brown belt” which is just below a black belt.

I know God designed the body for movement, so I must make time to exercise whether I feel like it or not.  But after exercise, I always feel better and have more energy.  I know my body would not be able to recover from exercise without the AIM products.

Other AIM Products

Debra, 33 years old, 1st place in the Texas competition (1999)

Herbal Release

Even though I exercise a lot, I feel like my lymphatic system is still bombarded with toxins in the air that I breathe and in my food, so I make sure I take AIM’s Herbal Release several times a week to help keep the lymphatic system working good.

Renewed Balance

After having children, my hormones changed, and I developed many different symptoms.  I had heard many good testimonies of  AIM’s Renewed Balance to help keep the progesterone level in balance, so I started using it and soon all of the PMS symptoms I had experienced disappeared!  As I aged and started to experience menopause symptoms, I used Renewed Balance twice a day and the hot flashes and night sweats went away!


I use AIM’s Composure when I am under a lot of stress, need help relaxing, going to sleep, or to stay asleep.

Peak Endurance

I also like the benefits of AIM’s Peak Endurance for it helps with energy, metabolism, stress, aging, nerve impulses, muscle contraction, balance, healthy skin, and thinking clearer.  It is excellent for athletes!  Peak Endurance is a blueberry drink that contains six B vitamins—B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12 and it includes five major electrolytes including sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium, and magnesium.   It contains ATP (Adenosine triphosphate) Studies show that the body has the highest amount of ATP at 20 years old and then it starts to decline so that at 70 years old, the ATP levels could have declined by 50 percent! It is sweetened with the natural stevia plant so it does not have all of the sugar that is found in Gatorade or Powerade.

Garden Trio

With a busy lifestyle, I don’t always have the time to cook a homemade meal, so I love the convenience and health benefits of AIM’s Garden Trio.  The Garden Trio is the juice of organic barley leaves, carrots and beets.  A person just adds water and they have a salad in a glass!  They receive the benefits of juicing without the inconvenience, time, and mess of juicing.  The Garden Trio helps to deliver the daily nutrition needed to develop a strong foundation for good health.   Each serving of the Garden Trio contains 7 servings of vegetables which helps to maintain whole-body health, increases energy, helps support a healthy immune system, delivers a wide spectrum of nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, protein, live enzymes, natural chlorophyll (anti-inflammatory), and  powerful plant antioxidants such as beta-carotene.  It is certified vegan, non GMO, and gluten free.


  • Bachelors Degree in Kinesiology; Texas Christian University
  • Certified Personal Trainer; American Council on Exercise

    Debra (3rd from the left) with David Hasselhoff and the Galaxy Girls, Power House magazine, (picture taken by Skip Faulkner)
  • Certified Sports Nutrition; International Fitness Professional Association


Over 30 years of experience of being a Health and Wellness Consultant of teaching people the importance of exercising, eating healthy, and living a healthy lifestyle.

TV Appearances from 1999-2017

  • Baywatch
  • Extra
  • CBN 700 Club

    Debra, 35 years old, bottom right, Oxygen Magazine
  • Forever Young
  • Ambassadors for Christ
  • Dallas Dream Makers
  • Featured on FOX News
  • Series of commercials for American State Bank

Magazine Personal Appearances from 1999-2006

  • Oxygen
  • Natural Muscle
  • Ironman
  • Power House
  • Body
  • Excel
  • AIM Partners
Debra, 31 years old, Muscle & Fitness Hers magazine

Published Magazine Articles from 1999-2006

  • Oxygen
  • Body
  • Muscle & Fitness Hers
  • Powerhouse
  • Excel
  • AIM Partners

Monthly Newspaper and Magazine Columns from 2003-2019

  • Plainview Daily Herald
  • Senior Link Magazine
  • Lubbock’s Home and Family Magazine

    Debra, 33 years old, 2nd place in the World Championships (1999), Body magazine
  • Abernathy Weekly Review
  • Abernathy Harvester

Galaxy/Nova Fitness Competitions

  • 1st Place overall, Texas National, 1999
  • 2nd place overall, World Championship, 1999
  • 1st place obstacle course, 1999
  • 1st place obstacle course, 2000
  • “Top 5” in obstacle course for 9 competitions
  • ”Top 5” overall in 6 competitions

Sports Competitions

I have competed in 11 sports over the years:  Gymnastics, swimming, volleyball, basketball, track, tennis, triathlons, racquetball, water ski, power lifting, and Tae Kwon Do

Personal Trainer

Debra, 32 years old at a Bench Press Competition
1st place in 1998 and 1999 in Amarillo, TX

As a personal trainer, I teach that exercise has many benefits for people of all ages.  Some of the obvious ones are increased strength, endurance, stamina, and energy along with weight loss, muscle gain, reduction of stress, and improvement in one’s quality of sleep.  Some of the benefits that can be seen later are:  lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol, improve balance, clarity of mind, decrease depression, reduce the symptoms of diabetes, fibromyalgia, arthritis,  auto-immune symptoms, chronic fatigue, heart disease, and blood sugar problems.  Exercise can also increase one’s metabolism and the immune system.

Some of the people that I have trained are:  children and teenagers who want to lose weight, gain muscle, or improve for a specific sport,  men and women who want to regain their health and improve their quality of life,  women who want to regain their healthy weight after having a baby, anyone who wants to compete in fitness competitions, and all ages of senior citizens.  I explain to senior citizens that whether they are 55 or 95 years old, they can still receive the same benefits of exercising and that it is never to late to start.

Debra, 32 years old, jogging with her kids (photo, Patrice Bowers)

Nutrition and Weight Loss

Good nutrition is very important in improving one’s health.  I recommend a balance of protein, carbohydrates, and fats instead of diets (unless for serious diseases).  A person will bring me their long term goal and I will break it down into short term goals and develop their own personal exercise and nutritional plan for their lifestyle.  I also teach the importance of vitamins, minerals, enzymes, water, healthy cells, lymphatic health, and colon health.  This combination has helped me to gain back my life after suffering from fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, Epstein Bar Virus, Lyme’s Disease, and the West Nile Virus.

Sports Nutrition

Athletes require extra nutrition.  They need to concentrate on feeding the cells to have healthy muscles, ligaments, and tendons, which will allow the athlete to jump higher, jump longer, faster, and more endurance, quicker, stronger, and increase reaction time.  Good cell food can not only repair the damaged muscle fibers but will help to reduce the recovery time of each workout.  Different sports require different ratios of protein, carbohydrates, and fats.

Debra, 33 years old, climbing up the 10′ wall


Debra, 33 years old (1999)

Call or email for prices on:

  • Personal training
  • Nutritional counseling
  • Coaching
  • Weight loss
  • Train by Phone
  • Public Speaking


I can not imagine life without the AIM products!  I have taken them for over 30 years!  Before the AIM products, life was full of a lot of pain, fatigue and medications.

Family hiking down the Grand Canyon, AZ, 2009

Now the combination of the AIM products, exercise, and a healthy lifestyle change has allowed me to regain my health.  I no longer need to take daily medications and I am thankful to God for bringing me the AIM products and allowing me to have a good quality of life.

Gary and Debra, 2022

I am now able to do the activities that I want to do with my family and have the energy to enjoy life.  When my kids were growing up they were involved in many activities and we had a busy lifestyle. The AIM products gave me the energy to keep up with my kid’s schedule.  On busy days when I did not have time to make a home cooked meal, I had the confidence that my entire family was getting good nutrition by taking the AIM products.